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There are 76 total results for your Master Of search.

Characters Pronunciation
Simple Dictionary Definition


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rì guāng
    ri4 guang1
jih kuang
 nikkou / nikko

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Sunshine / Sunlight
(1) sunlight; sunshine; sunbeams; (2) Nikkō (city in Tochigi); (female given name) Himi
(日光菩薩); 蘇利也波羅皮遮那 Sūrya-prabhāsana. Sunlight, and 月光 (月光菩薩) Moonlight, name of two Bodhisattva assistants of 藥師 the Master of Healing; Sunlight is the ninth in the Dizang Court of the Garbhadhātu group.



see styles
yè wèn
    ye4 wen4
yeh wen
 ippu man

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Ip Man
Yip Man (1893-1972), martial arts practitioner, master of Bruce Lee
(person) Ip Man (Chinese martial artist); Yip Man


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 bugeisha / bugesha

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Martial Arts Master
(1) master of martial arts; (2) practitioner of martial arts

see styles

I; me; my
(1) {Buddh} obstinacy; (2) atman; the self; the ego
I, my, mine; the ego, the master of the body, compared to the ruler of a country. Composed of the five skandhas and hence not a permanent entity. It is used for ātman, the self, personality. Buddhism takes as a fundamental dogma 無我, i.e. no 常我, no permanent ego, only recognizing a temporal or functional ego. The erroneous idea of a permanent self continued in reincarnation is the source of all illusion. But the Nirvana Sutra definitely asserts a permanent ego in the transcendental world, above the range of reincarnation; and the trend of Mahāyāna supports such permanence; v. 常我樂淨.


see styles
qī sēng
    qi1 seng1
ch`i seng
    chi seng
A monastery is supposed to possess the following seven monks: 咒願師 invoker; 導師 leader; 唄師 intoner, or leader of the chanting; 散花師 flower-scatterer; 梵音師 master of sacred words, or Sanskrit; 錫杖師 shaker of the rings on the metal staff, or crozier; 堂達 distributor of missals, etc. Another division is 講師 expounder; 讀師 reader; 咒願師; 三禮師 director of the three ceremonies; 唄師; 散花師; and 堂達.


see styles
(n,vs,vt,vi) (1) leading a meeting; presiding over a meeting; officiating at a ceremony; chairmanship; (2) (See 司会者) chairman; presenter; host; moderator; master of ceremonies



see styles
sī yí
    si1 yi2
ssu i
master of ceremonies (MC)


see styles
míng rén
    ming2 ren2
ming jen
 meijin / mejin
personage; celebrity
(work) The Master of Go (1951 novel by Yasunari Kawabata); (wk) The Master of Go (1951 novel by Yasunari Kawabata)


see styles
dà huì
    da4 hui4
ta hui
(personal name) Daie
Mahāmati 摩訶摩底 (1) Great wisdom, the leading bodhisattva of the Laṅkāvatāra-sūtra. (2) Name of a Hangchow master of the Chan school, Zonggao 宗杲 of the Song dynasty, whose works are the 大慧書. (3) Posthumous title of 一行Yixing, a master of the Chan school in the Tang dynasty.


see styles
miào yīn
    miao4 yin1
miao yin
 myouon / myoon
exquisite voice; exquisite music; (place-name) Myōon
Wonderful sound. (1) Gadgadasvara, 妙音菩薩 (or 妙音大士) a Bodhisattva, master of seventeen degrees of samādhi, residing in Vairocanaraśmi-pratimaṇḍita, whose name heads chap. 24 of the Lotus Sutra. (2) Sughoṣa, a sister of Guanyin; also a Buddha like Varuṇa controlling the waters 水天德佛, the 743rd Buddha of the present kalpa. (3) Ghoṣa, 瞿沙 an arhat, famous for exegesis, who "restored the eyesight of Dharmavivardhana by washing his eyes with the tears of people who were moved by his eloquence." Eitel.



see styles
shào ye
    shao4 ye5
shao yeh
son of the boss; young master of the house; your son (honorific)


see styles
master of religious ceremonies


see styles
 kisei / kise
great master of go; great master of shogi



see styles
fǎ shī
    fa3 shi1
fa shih
 houshi(p); hosshi(ok) / hoshi(p); hosshi(ok)
    ほうし(P); ほっし(ok)
one who has mastered the sutras (Buddhism)
(1) Buddhist priest; bonze; (2) layman dressed like a priest; (suffix noun) (3) (usu. pronounced ぼうし) person; (surname, given name) Houshi
A Buddhist teacher, master of the Law; five kinds are given— a custodian (of the sūtras), reader, intoner, expounder, and copier.


see styles
(1) (abbreviation) (archaism) master of the rice field; chief farmer; (2) (See 田長鳥) lesser cuckoo (Cuculus poliocephalus); (given name) Denchō


see styles
děng gōng
    deng3 gong1
teng kung
Synchronous offering, also 等得, i.e. the simultaneous beginning of a meal when the master of ceremonies cries that the meal is served.


see styles
fencing master of the top rank; (personal name) Norihito


see styles
 chajin; sajin
    ちゃじん; さじん
(1) master of the tea ceremony; (2) person with eccentric tastes


see styles
 sakashou / sakasho
(See 利酒師) master of sake; sake sommelier



see styles
yán mó
    yan2 mo2
yen mo
(Buddhism) Yama, the King of Hell
{Buddh} Yama (King of Hell who judges the dead); Enma; (dei) Yama (king of the world of the dead, who judges the dead); Emma; Yan; Yomna
閻王 閻羅; (閻魔王); 閻摩羅; 閻老 Yama, also v. 夜; 閻羅王 Yama. (1) In the Vedas the god of the dead, with whom the spirits of the departed dwell. He was son of the Sun and had a twin sister Yamī or Yamuna. By some they were looked upon as the first human pair. (2) In later Brahmanic mythology, one of the eight Lokapālas, guardian of the South and ruler of the Yamadevaloka and judge of the dead. (3) In Buddhist mythology, the regent of the Nārakas, residing south of Jambudvīpa, outside of the Cakravālas, in a palace of copper and iron. Originally he is described as a king of Vaiśālī, who, when engaged in a bloody war, wished he were master of hell, and was accordingly reborn as Yama in hell together with his eighteen generals and his army of 80,000 men, who now serve him in purgatory. His sister Yamī deals with female culprits. Three times in every twenty-four hours demon pours into Yama's mouth boiling copper (by way of punishment), his subordinates receiving the same dose at the same time, until their sins are expiated, when he will be reborn as Samantarāja 普王. In China he rules the fifth court of purgatory. In some sources he is spoken of as ruling the eighteen judges of purgatory.


see styles
 emu bii ee; emubiiee(sk) / emu bi ee; emubiee(sk)
    エム・ビー・エー; エムビーエー(sk)
(1) master of business administration; MBA; (2) military base agreement



see styles
èr xié shì
    er4 xie2 shi4
erh hsieh shih
 ni kyōshi
二挾侍 The two attendants by the side of Amitābha, i.e. 觀音 Guanyin and 大勢至 Mahāsthāmaprāpta; also the two by Yaoshi, the Master of Medicine, i.e. 日光 sunlight and 月光 moonlight; also the two by Śākyamuni, i.e. 文殊 Mañjuśrī and 普賢 Samantabhadra.



see styles
yī zhǐ shī
    yi1 zhi3 shi1
i chih shih
 eji shi
依止阿闍梨 The ācārya, or master of a junior monk.


see styles
(See 酒匠) master of sake; sake advisor



see styles
shí èr dēng
    shi2 er4 deng1
shih erh teng
 jūni tō
The twelve lamps used in the cult of the Master of Healing 藥師.


see styles
shí èr shén
    shi2 er4 shen2
shih erh shen
 juunijin / junijin
(place-name) Jūnijin
(十二神明王) The twelve spirits connected with the cult of 藥師 the Master of Healing. Also 十二神將. They are associated with the twelve hours of the day, of which they are guardian spirits. Their names are as follows: 宮 (or 金) 毘羅 Kumbhīra; 伐折羅 Vajra; 迷企羅 Mihira; 安底羅 Aṇḍīra; 頞儞羅 Anila; 珊底羅 Śaṇḍila; 因陀羅 Indra; 波夷羅Pajra; 摩虎羅 Mahoraga; 眞達羅 Kinnara; 招杜羅 Catura; and 毘羯羅 Vikarāla.



see styles
shí èr yuàn
    shi2 er4 yuan4
shih erh yüan
 jūni gan
(十二大願 or 十二上願) The twelve vows of the Master of Healing; v. 藥師.


see styles
chairman; moderator; toastmaster; master of ceremonies; chairperson; host (of a TV show, etc.)


see styles
 bounoaruji / bonoaruji
master of the priests quarters



see styles
wū lǐ rén
    wu1 li3 ren2
wu li jen
 okuri no hito
The master of the house; the mind within; also a wife.


see styles
(1) (hist) (See 寝殿造) room or pavilion of residence for the master of the house (Heian-period palatial-style architecture); (2) room where the emperor usually lives in the imperial palace



see styles
jiào shī yé
    jiao4 shi1 ye2
chiao shih yeh
master of martial arts, in former times often employed by a landlord to teach fighting skills and guard the house; (fig.) sb who arrogantly and condescendingly lectures others



see styles
méi lán fāng
    mei2 lan2 fang1
mei lan fang
Mei Lanfang (1894-1961), famous master of Beijing opera, specialist in female roles


see styles
(archaism) spear carrier (for the master of a samurai family)



see styles
yú qié shī
    yu2 qie2 shi1
yü ch`ieh shih
    yü chieh shih
{Buddh} (See ヨガインストラクター) yoga master
瑜伽阿闍梨 yogācāra, a teacher, or master of magic, or of this school.



see styles
wǎng shī yuán
    wang3 shi1 yuan2
wang shih yüan
Master of the Nets Garden in Suzhou, Jiangsu


see styles
mò lǐ āi
    mo4 li3 ai1
mo li ai
Molière (1622-1673), French playwright and actor, master of comedy


see styles
being a jack of all trades and master of none


see styles
 keragei / kerage
(See 螻蛄才) being a jack of all trades and master of none


see styles
(yoji) being the sole master of the situation; reigning supreme; standing unchallenged


see styles
(exp,n) master of the household


see styles
yī jiā zhī zhǔ
    yi1 jia1 zhi1 zhu3
i chia chih chu
master of the house; head of the family



see styles
sān jiào fǎ shī
    san1 jiao4 fa3 shi1
san chiao fa shih
 sangyō hōshi
Master of the Tripiṭaka; a title of Xuanzang 玄奘.


see styles
(person) Hisamatsu Shin'ichi (1889-1980) - philosopher, scholar of Zen Buddhism and master of the Japanese tea ceremony



see styles
yǐ yī yù wàn
    yi3 yi1 yu4 wan4
i i yü wan
to control a key point is to be master of the situation (idiom)



see styles
qǐ guǎn shuò shì
    qi3 guan3 shuo4 shi4
ch`i kuan shuo shih
    chi kuan shuo shih
Master of Business Administration (MBA)



see styles
shí èr yuàn wáng
    shi2 er4 yuan4 wang2
shih erh yüan wang
 Jūnigan ō
The twelve-vow king, i.e. Yao Shih 藥師, the Master of Healing.


see styles
shí dà dì zǐ
    shi2 da4 di4 zi3
shih ta ti tzu
 juudaideshi / judaideshi
{Buddh} the ten great disciples (of Buddha)
The ten chief discip1es of Śākyamuni, each of whom was master of one power or gift. Śāriputra of wisdom; Maudgalyāyana of supernatural powers; Mahākāśyapa of discipline; Aniruddha of 天眼 deva vision; Subhūti of explaining the void or immaterial; Pūrṇa of expounding the law; Kātyāyana of its fundamental principles; Upāli of maintaining the rules; Rāhula of the esoteric; and Ānanda of hearing and remembering.



see styles
qiān bù lùn shī
    qian1 bu4 lun4 shi1
ch`ien pu lun shih
    chien pu lun shih
 senbu ronshi
(or 千部論主) Master of a thousand śāstras―a title of Nāgārjuna and of Vasubandhu.


see styles
bó ér bù jīng
    bo2 er2 bu4 jing1
po erh pu ching
extensive but not refined (idiom); to know something about everything; jack-of-all-trades, master of none


see styles
 kiyoubinbou / kiyobinbo
(yoji) jack of all trades, master of none


see styles
sì shí jiǔ sēng
    si4 shi2 jiu3 seng1
ssu shih chiu seng
 shijūku sō
and 四十九燈. The service to 藥師 the Master of Healing, when forty-nine lamps are displayed and forty-nine monks engaged; seven of his images are used, seven of the lamps being placed before each image.



see styles
wēi yí fǎ shī
    wei1 yi2 fa3 shi1
wei i fa shih
 igi hōshi
(威儀師); 威儀僧 A master of ceremonies.


see styles
 kougakushuushi / kogakushushi
Master of Engineering


see styles
 bungakushuushi / bungakushushi
Master of Arts; MA



see styles
wén wǔ shuāng quán
    wen2 wu3 shuang1 quan2
wen wu shuang ch`üan
    wen wu shuang chüan
well versed in letters and military technology (idiom); fine scholar and soldier; master of pen and sword



see styles
yuè guāng pú sà
    yue4 guang1 pu2 sa4
yüeh kuang p`u sa
    yüeh kuang pu sa
 gakkoubosatsu / gakkobosatsu
{Buddh} Candraprabha (bodhisattva)
The bodhisattva Moonlight who attends on 藥師 the Master of Healing; also in the Mañjuśrī court of the Garbhadhātu; used for 月光王; v. 月光菩薩經.


see styles
(yoji) being the sole master of the situation; reigning supreme; standing unchallenged


see styles
 rigakushuushi / rigakushushi
Master of Science



see styles
lǐ xué shuò shì
    li3 xue2 shuo4 shi4
li hsüeh shuo shih
M.Sc. (Master of Science degree)



see styles
dāng jiā zuò zhǔ
    dang1 jia1 zuo4 zhu3
tang chia tso chu
to be in charge in one's own house (idiom); to be the master of one's own affairs



see styles
kāi shān zǔ shī
    kai1 shan1 zu3 shi1
k`ai shan tsu shih
    kai shan tsu shih
 kaisan soshi
founding master of a monastery; founder; originator
founder of a school


see styles
ā zhē lì yé
    a1 zhe1 li4 ye2
a che li yeh
ācārya, 阿闍黎, 闍黎 or 阿闍梨, 闍梨; 阿舍梨; 阿祇利 or 阿祇梨 spiritual teacher, master, preceptor; one of 正行 correct conduct, and able to teach others. There are various categories, e.g. 出家阿遮利 one who has charge of novices; 教授阿遮利 a teacher of the discipline; 羯磨阿遮利 of duties; 授經阿遮利 of the scriptures; 依止阿遮利 the master of the community.


see styles
 tageihamugei / tagehamuge
(expression) (proverb) a jack of all trades is a master of none


see styles
tiān dì shēng lǘ tāi
    tian1 di4 sheng1 lv2 tai1
t`ien ti sheng lü t`ai
    tien ti sheng lü tai
Lord of devas, born in the womb of an ass, a Buddhist fable, that Indra knowing he was to be reborn from the womb of an ass, in sorrow sought to escape his fate, and was told that trust in Buddha was the only way. Before he reached Buddha his life came to an end and he found himself in the ass. His resolve, however, had proved effective, for the master of the ass beat her so hard that she dropped her foal dead. Thus Indra returned to his former existence and began his ascent to Buddha.


see styles
 keieigakushuushi / keegakushushi
Master of Business Administration; MBA



see styles
qǐ yè guǎn lǐ shuò shì
    qi3 ye4 guan3 li3 shuo4 shi4
ch`i yeh kuan li shuo shih
    chi yeh kuan li shuo shih
Master of Business Administration (MBA)



see styles
gōng shāng guǎn lǐ shuò shì
    gong1 shang1 guan3 li3 shuo4 shi4
kung shang kuan li shuo shih
Master of Business Administration (MBA)


see styles
(personal name) Master of Arts in Library Science; MALS


see styles
 hitoritenka; hitoridenka
    ひとりてんか; ひとりでんか
being the sole master of the situation; reigning supreme; standing unchallenged



see styles
dà cí ēn sì sān zàng fǎ shī zhuàn
    da4 ci2 en1 si4 san1 zang4 fa3 shi1 zhuan4
ta tz`u en ssu san tsang fa shih chuan
    ta tzu en ssu san tsang fa shih chuan
 daijionjisanzouhoushiden / daijionjisanzohoshiden
(personal name) Biography of the Tripitaka Master of Dacien Temple
Biography of the Tripiṭaka Master of Dacien Temple


see styles
 marresu renosuta
(personal name) Master of Arts in Library Science; MALS


see styles
 masutaaobuseremonii / masutaobuseremoni
master of ceremonies


see styles
 bugeisha / bugesha
(1) master of martial arts; (2) practitioner of martial arts


see styles
 masutaa obu seremonii / masuta obu seremoni
master of ceremonies


see styles
 masutaaobuseremonii; masutaa obu seremonii / masutaobuseremoni; masuta obu seremoni
    マスターオブセレモニー; マスター・オブ・セレモニー
master of ceremonies

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.

This page contains 76 results for "Master Of" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary