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in Chinese / Japanese...

Buy an calligraphy wall scroll here!

Personalize your custom “美” project by clicking the button next to your favorite “美” title below...

  1. Beauty / Beautiful / Handsome

  2. Aimee

  3. Aimi

  4. Ame

  5. Ami

  6. Amy

  7. Beautiful Life / Life in Perfect Harmony

  8. Beauty: The art of makeup / cosmetics

  9. Beautiful Sight

10. Beautiful Soul

11. Beautiful

12. Elegant / Exquisite / Grace

13. Goddess of Beauty / Beautiful Spirit

14. Hiromy

15. Meagan

16. Meiya

17. Merrill

18. North America

19. South America

20. Strong and Beautiful

21. United States of America

22. Adonis / Handsome Young Man

23. Amelie

24. American

25. Beautician / Hairdresser

26. Beauty Salon

27. Beauty Shop / Beauty Salon

28. Emer

29. Imed

30. Inner Beauty / Beauty of Spirit

31. Melinda

32. Mermaid

33. Mi Guk Kwan

34. Miranda

35. Monkey King

36. Nail Shop / Manicure and Pedicure Salon

37. Namek

38. Rommel

39. Salomay

40. Salome

41. Truth Goodness and Beauty

42. Beautiful Virtue

43. American Soldier / American Serviceman

44. Amerigo

45. Armenia

46. Beautiful Heart / Beautiful Mind

47. Beautiful Mind

48. Beautiful Soul

49. Eternal Beauty

50. God is Good

51. Life is Good / Life is Beautiful

52. North American Opossum / Possum

53. Timeless Beauty

54. American Football

55. American Samoa

56. Beautiful Girl

57. Beautiful Princess

58. Beautiful Soul

59. Beautiful Heart / Beautiful Spirit

60. Beautiful Spirit

61. Beautiful Woman

62. Beautiful Dreamer

63. The Good Life / Beautiful Life

64. Life is Good

65. U.S. Virgin Islands

66. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder

67. Daodejing / Tao Te Ching - Chapter 81

Beauty / Beautiful / Handsome

Beauty / Beautiful / Handsome Scroll

美 is often used to describe the beauty of a woman.

However, when applied to a man, it can mean handsome. It's also the first character in the word for “beauty salon” which you will see all over China and Japan.

This can be used as the given name for a girl (spell it or say it as “Mei” or “May”).

For a bit of trivia: The title for the “USA” in Chinese is “Mei Guo” which literally means “Beautiful Country.” This name was bestowed at a time before Chairman Mao came to power and decided that China didn't like the USA anymore (even though we fought together against the Japanese in WWII). But these days, Chinese people love Americans (but have a distaste for American politics and policy). But I digress...

美 is also how “Beautiful” is written in Japanese Kanji and Korean Hanja. 美 can also mean: very satisfactory; good; to be pleased with oneself; abbreviation for the USA; fine; handsome; admirable; madhura; sweet; and/or pleasant.

 ài měi
Aimee Scroll

This is a common Mandarin Chinese transliteration for the female French name Aimée or Aimee.

 ài měi
Aimee Scroll

This is a common Mandarin Chinese transliteration for the female French name Aimée or Aimee.

 ài měi
Aimi Scroll

愛美 is the name Aimi in Chinese (Mandarin).

 ài měi
Ame Scroll

This is the most common transliteration to Mandarin Chinese for the name Ame.

 ā měi
Ami Scroll

阿美 is the name Ami in Chinese (Mandarin).

 ài měi
Amy Scroll

This is the second most common transliteration to Mandarin Chinese for the name Amy.

Beautiful Life / Life in Perfect Harmony

 hé měi
 wa mi
Beautiful Life / Life in Perfect Harmony Scroll

和美 is a word that means “harmonious” or, “in perfect harmony.”

The deeper meaning or more natural translation would be something like, “beautiful life.”

The first character means peace and harmony.

The second character means beautiful. But in this case, when combined with the first character, beautiful refers to being satisfied with what you have in your life. This can be having good relations, good feelings, comfort, and having enough (with no feeling of wanting).

Note: In Japanese, this is often used as the name "Wami." This title is probably more appropriate if your audience is Chinese.

Beauty: The art of makeup / cosmetics

 měi róng
Beauty: The art of makeup / cosmetics Scroll

In Chinese, 美容 is the title for the art of beauty, as applying makeup or cosmetics to enhance beauty.

Note: In Japanese and Korean, this takes the meaning of beautiful face or beauty of figure or form. Be sure you know who your audience is and have matched the desired meaning.

Beautiful Sight

 měi jǐng
 bi kei
Beautiful Sight Scroll

美景 can be translated as a beautiful view, beautiful scenery, or a beautiful sight.

Note: Not a commonly used word in modern Japanese.

Beautiful Soul

 bi tamashi
Beautiful Soul Scroll

美魂 is a very short or abbreviated way to say “Beautiful Soul” in Japanese.

There is a more extended version that might be a little more natural and also closer to the intended meaning. This short title is often translated awkwardly as “Beauty Soul” in Japanese.

 měi lí
Beautiful Scroll

美麗 is a two-character word used often in Chinese, old Korean, and ancient Japanese to express beauty.

I've had a few requests for a “two-character beautiful,” and this is by far the best word. This is not a common word for an Asian person to want on a wall scroll. However, you will see it commonly used as an adjective in phrases, stories, and titles throughout magazines and signage in China.

美麗 can also be translated as gorgeous or lovely.

Note: 美麗 is not commonly used in modern Japan.

Elegant / Exquisite / Grace

 měi miào
Elegant / Exquisite / Grace Scroll

Beyond elegant and exquisite elegance, 美妙 is also the word used to say “beautiful” or “marvelous” when referring to a work of art.

Can also be translated as exquisiteness, gracefulness.

Note: Not a commonly used word in Japanese.

Goddess of Beauty / Beautiful Spirit

 měi shén
Goddess of Beauty / Beautiful Spirit Scroll

In Chinese, 美神 means Goddess of Beauty.

The first character means beauty or beautiful.
The second character means spirit (can also mean god, goddess, or soul).
Some will use this as a short way to say, “Beautiful Spirit.”

This has a similar meaning in Japanese but is used more often as a female given name in Japan. As a Japanese given name, it can be pronounced Mikami, Mikan, or Binasu.

 hóng měi
Hiromy Scroll

弘美 is the name Hiromy in Chinese (Mandarin).

 měi gān
Meagan Scroll

美甘 is the name Meagan in Chinese (Mandarin).

 měi yà
Meiya Scroll

This is a common transliteration to Mandarin Chinese for the name Meiya.

The literal meaning is “Beautiful Asia.”

 měi lín
Merrill Scroll

美林 is the name Merrill in Chinese (Mandarin).

North America

 běi měi
North America Scroll

This is the Chinese name for the continent of North America.

South America

 nán měi
South America Scroll

This is the Chinese name for the continent of South America.

Strong and Beautiful

 jiàn měi
Strong and Beautiful Scroll

We don't really have a word like 健美 in English, but these two characters create a word that means “strong and beautiful.” It could also be translated as “healthy and beautiful.”

Note: 健美 is a word in Chinese and Korean, but it's also the family name Takemi in Japanese. The characters hold the same meaning in Japanese; however, it's like having the English name Stillwell when few people would perceive the meanings of still and well.

United States of America (USA)

 měi guó
United States of America (USA) Scroll

This is the Chinese name for the United States of America (USA).

Adonis / Handsome Young Man

 bi sei nen
Adonis / Handsome Young Man Scroll

美青年 means handsome young man, or figuratively, Adonis, in Japanese.

 ā měi lì
Amelie Scroll

阿美麗 is the name Amelie in Chinese (Mandarin).


Person from the USA

 méi guó rén
American Scroll

美國人 means “American” or literally “American Person” in Chinese.

Beautician / Hairdresser

 měi róng shī
Beautician / Hairdresser Scroll

美容師 means beautician in Korean and Chinese but can mean hairdresser (especially in Japan).

Beauty Salon

 měi róng yuàn
Beauty Salon Scroll

美容院 means beauty salon, lady's hair parlor, beauty parlor, or hairdressing salon in Chinese and Japanese.

Beauty Shop / Beauty Salon

 měi róng diàn
Beauty Shop / Beauty Salon Scroll

美容店 is how to write “Beauty Shop” or “Beauty Salon.”

If you own such a business, this will make a nice wall scroll to hang up - and many of your Asian customers will be able to read and appreciate it.

When traveling in China, you will see signs like this in the window of any place that offers full services of hair styling, manicures, pedicures, and often shampoo with head and back massage.

However, as a handmade wall scroll, this becomes a very fancy piece of artwork that shows the high class of your business (a great sign for your window if you don't get direct sunlight).

 yǐn měi ěr
Emer Scroll

尹美爾 is the name Emer in Chinese (Mandarin).

 yī měi dé
Imed Scroll

This is a common Mandarin Chinese transliteration for the male Arabic name Imed.

Inner Beauty / Beauty of Spirit

 nèi zài měi
Inner Beauty / Beauty of Spirit Scroll

內在美 is a title that speaks of beauty on the inside.

It's not about outward or physical beauty but rather the inner beauty possessed by someone. This can also be translated as “beauty of spirit.”

Inner Beauty / Beauty of Spirit

 nai men bi
Inner Beauty / Beauty of Spirit Scroll

内面美 is a three-character title that speaks of beauty on the inside.

It's not about outward or physical beauty but rather the inner beauty possessed by someone. This can also be translated as “beauty of spirit.”

 měi lián dá
Melinda Scroll

美蓮達 is the name Melinda in Chinese (Mandarin).

 měi rén yú
Mermaid Scroll

美人魚 is the Chinese word for mermaid.

It literally means “beautiful human fish.”

Mi Guk Kwan

American School

 měi guó guǎn
Mi Guk Kwan Scroll

美國館 is a Korean Hanja title, which roughly means “U.S. School.”

The first two characters mean “USA” (literally: Beautiful Kingdom/Country).

The last character means “school,” “building,” and “schoolroom” in this context.

This “Mi Guk Kwan” title is used to mean “The American School of Tang Soo Do.”

If you want this in modern Korean Hangul, just click the Hangul characters in the pronunciation box next to the Korean flag above.

 měi lán dá
Miranda Scroll

美蘭達 is the name Miranda in Chinese (Mandarin).

 měi hóu wáng
Monkey King Scroll

美猴王 is the specific title for “Monkey King.”

A character made famous by the ancient novel Journey to the West.

It literally means “Handsome/Beautiful Monkey King.”

Nail Shop / Manicure and Pedicure Salon

 měi jiǎ diàn
Nail Shop / Manicure and Pedicure Salon Scroll

美甲店 is how to title a business that performs only healthful and beauty services to fingernails and toenails. 美甲店 is not the same as a “Beauty Salon,” which offers services beyond your nails.

If you own such a business, this is a nice way to decorate your nail salon.

 nà měi kè
Namek Scroll

那美克 is the name Namek in Chinese (Mandarin).

 lóng měi ěr
Rommel Scroll

隆美爾 is the name Rommel in Chinese (Mandarin).

 shā lè měi
Salomay Scroll

This is a common Mandarin Chinese transliteration for the female name Salomay.

 shā lè měi
Salome Scroll

This is a common Mandarin Chinese transliteration for the female French name Salomé or Salome.

Truth Goodness and Beauty

 zhēn shàn měi
 shin zen bi
Truth Goodness and Beauty Scroll

真善美 means truth, goodness, and beauty in Chinese and Japanese.

These can also be read as “the true, the good, and the beautiful.”

In Japanese, this can be the female given name Mazemi or the personal name Shinzenbi.

Beautiful Virtue

 měi dé
Beautiful Virtue Scroll

美德 written in Chinese or Korean Hanja can also mean “grace of character” or “noble virtue.”

徳There is a slight variation in the modern Japanese Kanji form of the second character. If you want the modern Japanese version, please click on the special Kanji shown to the right instead of the button above. Note that the traditional Chinese form is still readable and understood by Japanese people ( it’s the ancient Japanese form anyway).

American Soldier / American Serviceman

 méi guó jūn rén
American Soldier / American Serviceman Scroll

美國軍人 means “American Soldier” or literally “American Military Person.”

This can also be translated as “American military personnel,” or “American serviceman.” Gender is not specified in this title, so it's appropriate for male or female soldiers.

 yà měi lì gē
Amerigo Scroll

亞美利哥 is the name Amerigo in Chinese (Mandarin).

 yà měi ní yà
Armenia Scroll

This is the Chinese name for the country of Armenia.

Beautiful Heart / Beautiful Mind

 utsukushii kokoro
Beautiful Heart / Beautiful Mind Scroll

美しい心 means “beautiful heart” or “beautiful mind,” in Japanese.

The word for “heart” also means “mind” and sometimes “soul” in ancient Asia.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Beautiful Mind

 měi lì xīn líng
Beautiful Mind Scroll

美麗心靈 means “Beautiful Mind” in Chinese.

美麗心靈 is also the Chinese title of the 2001 movie of the same name.

Beautiful Soul

 utsukushii tamashii
Beautiful Soul Scroll

美しい魂 is a common way to write “Beautiful Soul” in Japanese.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Eternal Beauty

 yǒng héng de měi
Eternal Beauty Scroll

永恆的美 is how to write “Eternal Beauty” in Chinese.

 shén zhēn měi hǎo
God is Good Scroll

神真美好 means “God is good,” in Chinese.

You can also translate this as “God is really good” or “God is so good.”

The last two characters are a version of good that suggests very strong goodness. The characters read, “beautifully good.”

Life is Good / Life is Beautiful

 shēng huó měi hǎo
Life is Good / Life is Beautiful Scroll

生活美好 means “life is good” in Chinese.

The first two characters mean “life” or “living.”

The last two characters mean “good” or “beautiful.”

North American Opossum / Possum

 běi měi fù shǔ
North American Opossum / Possum Scroll

北美負鼠 is the full title for North American Opossum (aphesis spelling: Possum). The first two characters mean “North American” as an adjective. The third character means “carries” and refers to the marsupial pouch. The last character means “rat.” You could say the literal translation is “marsupial rat.”

Chinese opossums vary from the North American variety. If you were to use the last two characters alone, it may suggest the species native to China.

Timeless Beauty

 yǒng héng zhī měi
Timeless Beauty Scroll

永恆之美 means Timeless Beauty, Eternal Beauty, or Beauty Forever in Chinese.

American Football

 měi shì gǎn lǎn qiú
American Football Scroll

美式橄欖球 is the Chinese title for “American football” (not to be confused with international football known as soccer in the USA).

If you are a player or fan of American football, this will make a great wall scroll for your home.

The first two characters mean “American style.”
The last three characters mean football or rugby (a game involving an oblong or ovoid ball).
The “American” adjective is needed in this title to differentiate between Canadian football, Australian rules football, and rugby.

American Samoa

 měi shǔ sà mó yà
American Samoa Scroll

This is the Chinese name for the territory of American Samoa (formerly known as Eastern Samoa).

This should not be confused with Independent Somoa which is to the west.

If you want just a general “Samoa” title, just use the plain “Samoa” entry, as it does not actually designate western, eastern, American, or independent.

Beautiful Girl

 měi lì de gū niang
Beautiful Girl Scroll

美麗的姑娘 is the best way to express “beautiful girl” in Chinese.

Beautiful Princess

 měi lì de gōng zhǔ
Beautiful Princess Scroll

美麗的公主 is how to write beautiful princess in Chinese.

The first two characters mean feminine beauty or rather a way to say beautiful that only applies to women. The middle character is just a connecting character. The last two characters mean princess.

Beautiful Soul

 měi lì de líng hún
Beautiful Soul Scroll

美麗的靈魂 means “Beautiful Soul” in Chinese.

The first two characters mean beautiful, beauty, or gorgeous.
The middle character connects the ideas (a possessive article).
The last two characters mean soul or spirit.

Beautiful Heart / Beautiful Spirit

 měi lì de xīn líng
Beautiful Heart / Beautiful Spirit Scroll

美麗的心靈 means a beautiful heart, a beautiful mind, or a beautiful spirit in Chinese.

Beautiful Spirit

 utsukushi seishin
Beautiful Spirit Scroll

美しい精神 is a common way to write “Beautiful Spirit” in Japanese.

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Beautiful Woman

 měi lì de nǚ rén
Beautiful Woman Scroll

美麗的女人 is the best and most polite way to express “beautiful woman” in Chinese.

Note: Some people may like the simple 2-character 美女 way to express this, but there are some bad connotations with that, so better to stay with this longer and more respectful title.

Beautiful Dreamer

 měi lì de mèng shén
Beautiful Dreamer Scroll

美麗的夢神 is the Chinese title for the song Beautiful Dreamer.

It translates as Beautiful Dream Saint.

The Good Life / Beautiful Life

 měi hǎo de shēng huó
The Good Life / Beautiful Life Scroll

In Chinese, 美好的生活 means “Beautiful Life,” or “The Good Life.”

Life is Good

 shēng huó shì měi hǎo de
Life is Good Scroll

生活是美好的 is “Life is Good” in Mandarin Chinese.

U.S. Virgin Islands

 měi shǔ wéi ěr sī qún dǎo
U.S. Virgin Islands Scroll

This is the Chinese name for the United States Virgin Islands (overseas territory of the United States).

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder

 utsukushi-sa wa miru hito no me no naka ni aru
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder Scroll

美しさは見る人の目の中にある means “Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder” in Japanese.

Japanese grammar and word order are different than English, but I will partially break this down for you:
美しさ = Beauty
は = is/relates
見る = to look/see
人の = person's
目の = eye's
中にあ = inside
る = !

Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.

Daodejing / Tao Te Ching - Chapter 81

Daodejing / Tao Te Ching - Chapter 81 Scroll

信言不美美言不信知者不博博者不知善者不多多者不善聖人無積既以為人己癒有既以予人矣已癒多故天之道利而不害聖人之道為而不爭 is the Mawangdui version of Daodejing chapter 81.

It can be translated this way:
Credible words are not eloquent;
Eloquent words are not credible.

The wise are not erudite;
The erudite are not wise.

The adept are not all-around;
The all-around are not adept.
The sages do not accumulate things.
Yet the more they have done for others,
The more they have gained themselves;
The more they have given to others,
The more they have gotten themselves.

Thus, the way of tian (heaven) is to benefit without harming;
The way of sages is to do without contending.
Another translation:
Sincere words are not showy;
showy words are not sincere.
Those who know are not “widely learned";
those “widely learned” do not know.
The good do not have a lot;
Those with a lot are not good.
The Sage accumulates nothing.
Having used what he had for others,
he has even more.
Having given what he had to others,
what he has is even greater.
Therefore, the Way of Heaven is to benefit and not cause any harm,
The Way of Man is to act on behalf of others and not to compete with them.
And a third translation:
True words aren't charming,
charming words aren't true.
Good people aren't contentious,
contentious people aren't good.
People who know aren't learned,
learned people don't know.
Wise souls don't hoard;
the more they do for others the more they have,
the more they give the richer they are.
The Way of heaven provides without destroying.
Doing without outdoing
is the Way of the wise.

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Below are some entries from our dictionary that may match your search...


If shown, 2nd row is Simp. Chinese

Simple Dictionary Definition

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More info & calligraphy:

Beauty / Beautiful / Handsome
beautiful; very satisfactory; good; to beautify; to be pleased with oneself
(n,n-suf) beauty; (personal name) Yomisuru
Fine, handsome, beautiful, admirable. madhura, sweet, pleasant.


see styles
jiàn měi
    jian4 mei3
chien mei

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Strong and Beautiful
healthy and beautiful; to do fitness exercises; abbr. for 健運動|健运动[jian4 mei3 yun4 dong4]
(female given name) Masami


see styles
běi měi
    bei3 mei3
pei mei

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North America
North America
(personal name) Kitami


see styles
nán měi
    nan2 mei3
nan mei

More info & calligraphy:

South America
South America
(surname, female given name) Minami


see styles
hé měi
    he2 mei3
ho mei
harmonious; in perfect harmony
(surname, female given name) Wami


see styles

More info & calligraphy:

(female given name) Yukari



see styles
ài měi
    ai4 mei3
ai mei

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to pay attention to one's appearance; to like to be well-groomed; (literary) on very friendly terms
(female given name) Rabi


see styles

More info & calligraphy:

United States of America (USA)
(given name) Yoshikuni



see styles
měi guó
    mei3 guo2
mei kuo

More info & calligraphy:

United States of America (USA)
United States; USA; US


see styles
měi miào
    mei3 miao4
mei miao
 bimyou; mimyou(ok) / bimyo; mimyo(ok)
    びみょう; みみょう(ok)

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Elegant / Exquisite / Grace
beautiful; wonderful; splendid
(noun or adjectival noun) elegant; exquisite; (female given name) Mitae


see styles
měi róng
    mei3 rong2
mei jung
 biyou / biyo
to improve one's appearance (using cosmetics or cosmetic surgery); to make oneself more attractive; to beautify
(1) beauty; good figure; (beautiful) appearance; (beautiful) features; (2) beautification; beauty treatment; beauty culture; cosmetics; (female given name) Miyo


see styles
měi dé
    mei3 de2
mei te

More info & calligraphy:

Beautiful Virtue


see styles
měi jǐng
    mei3 jing3
mei ching
 bikei / bike

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Beautiful Sight
beautiful scenery
beautiful scenery; (female given name) Mikage


see styles

More info & calligraphy:

(surname) Mibayashi


see styles

More info & calligraphy:

(surname, female given name) Mikan


see styles
měi shén
    mei3 shen2
mei shen

More info & calligraphy:

Goddess of Beauty / Beautiful Spirit
Goddess of beauty
(See ヴィーナス・1) god of beauty; goddess of beauty; Venus; (female given name) Mikan



see styles
měi lì
    mei3 li4
mei li
 birei / bire

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(noun or adjectival noun) beautiful; gorgeous; (female given name) Mirei


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(surname, female given name) Ami


see styles
zhēn shàn měi
    zhen1 shan4 mei3
chen shan mei

More info & calligraphy:

Truth Goodness and Beauty
truth, goodness and beauty
the true, the good, and the beautiful; (female given name) Mazemi



see styles
měi rén yú
    mei3 ren2 yu2
mei jen yü

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see styles
měi guó rén
    mei3 guo2 ren2
mei kuo jen

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American; American person; American people; CL:個|个[ge4]



see styles
měi róng shī
    mei3 rong2 shi1
mei jung shih
 biyoushi / biyoshi

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Beautician / Hairdresser
hairdresser; beautician (male)
beautician; cosmetician; hairdresser; hair stylist


see styles
měi róng diàn
    mei3 rong2 dian4
mei jung tien
 biyouten / biyoten

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Beauty Shop / Beauty Salon
beauty salon; CL:家[jia1]
(See 美容院・びよういん,美容室・びようしつ) beauty salon; beauty parlor


see styles
měi róng yuàn
    mei3 rong2 yuan4
mei jung yüan
 biyouin / biyoin

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Beauty Salon
beauty salon; beauty parlor
beauty parlour; beauty parlor; beauty salon; hairdressing salon


see styles
 biseinen / bisenen

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Adonis / Handsome Young Man
handsome young man; Adonis



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yà měi ní yà
    ya4 mei3 ni2 ya4
ya mei ni ya

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Armenia, capital Yerevan 埃里溫|埃里温[Ai1 li3 wen1]



see styles
měi guó jun rén
    mei3 guo2 jun1 ren2
mei kuo chün jen
American serviceman; US soldier



see styles
měi shǔ sà mó yà
    mei3 shu3 sa4 mo2 ya4
mei shu sa mo ya

More info & calligraphy:

American Samoa
American Samoa



see styles
měi shì gǎn lǎn qiú
    mei3 shi4 gan3 lan3 qiu2
mei shih kan lan ch`iu
    mei shih kan lan chiu

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American Football
American football


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(female given name) Emi

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The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...

Title CharactersRomaji (Romanized Japanese)Various forms of Romanized Chinese
biměi / mei3 / mei
Aimee艾美ài měi / ai4 mei3 / ai mei / aimei
Aimee艾美ài měi / ai4 mei3 / ai mei / aimei
ài měi / ai4 mei3 / ai mei / aimei
Ame艾美ài měi / ai4 mei3 / ai mei / aimei
Ami阿美ā měi / a1 mei3 / a mei / amei
Amy艾美ài měi / ai4 mei3 / ai mei / aimei
Beautiful Life
Life in Perfect Harmony
和美wa mi / wamihé měi / he2 mei3 / he mei / hemeiho mei / homei
Beauty: The art of makeup
美容biyou / biyoměi róng / mei3 rong2 / mei rong / meirongmei jung / meijung
Beautiful Sight美景bi kei / bikeiměi jǐng / mei3 jing3 / mei jing / meijingmei ching / meiching
Beautiful Soul美魂bi tamashi / bitamashi
bireiměi lí / mei3 li2 / mei li / meili
美妙bimyou / bimyoměi miào / mei3 miao4 / mei miao / meimiao
Goddess of Beauty
Beautiful Spirit
美神mikamiměi shén / mei3 shen2 / mei shen / meishen
Hiromy弘美hóng měi / hong2 mei3 / hong mei / hongmeihung mei / hungmei
Meagan美甘měi gān / mei3 gan1 / mei gan / meiganmei kan / meikan
měi yà / mei3 ya4 / mei ya / meiya
Merrill美林měi lín / mei3 lin2 / mei lin / meilin
North America北美běi měi / bei3 mei3 / bei mei / beimeipei mei / peimei
South America南美nán měi / nan2 mei3 / nan mei / nanmei
Strong and Beautiful健美takemijiàn měi / jian4 mei3 / jian mei / jianmeichien mei / chienmei
United States of America (USA)美國
měi guó / mei3 guo2 / mei guo / meiguomei kuo / meikuo
Handsome Young Man
美青年bi sei nen / biseinen
ā měi lì
a1 mei3 li4
a mei li
méi guó rén
mei2 guo2 ren2
mei guo ren
mei kuo jen
biyoushi / biyoshiměi róng shī
mei3 rong2 shi1
mei rong shi
mei jung shih
Beauty Salon美容院biyouin / biyoinměi róng yuàn
mei3 rong2 yuan4
mei rong yuan
mei jung yüan
Beauty Shop
Beauty Salon
美容店měi róng diàn
mei3 rong2 dian4
mei rong dian
mei jung tien
yǐn měi ěr
yin3 mei3 er3
yin mei er
yin mei erh
Imed伊美德yī měi dé
yi1 mei3 de2
yi mei de
i mei te
Inner Beauty
Beauty of Spirit
nèi zài měi
nei4 zai4 mei3
nei zai mei
nei tsai mei
Inner Beauty
Beauty of Spirit
内面美nai men bi / naimenbi
měi lián dá
mei3 lian2 da2
mei lian da
mei lien ta
měi rén yú
mei3 ren2 yu2
mei ren yu
mei jen yü
Mi Guk Kwan美國館
měi guó guǎn
mei3 guo2 guan3
mei guo guan
mei kuo kuan
měi lán dá
mei3 lan2 da2
mei lan da
mei lan ta
Monkey King美猴王měi hóu wáng
mei3 hou2 wang2
mei hou wang
Nail Shop
Manicure and Pedicure Salon
美甲店měi jiǎ diàn
mei3 jia3 dian4
mei jia dian
mei chia tien
Namek那美克nà měi kè
na4 mei3 ke4
na mei ke
na mei k`o
na mei ko
lóng měi ěr
long2 mei3 er3
long mei er
lung mei erh
shā lè měi
sha1 le4 mei3
sha le mei
shā lè měi
sha1 le4 mei3
sha le mei
Truth Goodness and Beauty真善美shin zen bi
zhēn shàn měi
zhen1 shan4 mei3
zhen shan mei
chen shan mei
Beautiful Virtue美德
美德 / 美徳
bitokuměi dé / mei3 de2 / mei de / meidemei te / meite
American Soldier
American Serviceman
méi guó jūn rén
mei2 guo2 jun1 ren2
mei guo jun ren
mei kuo chün jen
yà měi lì gē
ya4 mei3 li4 ge1
ya mei li ge
ya mei li ko
yà měi ní yà
ya4 mei3 ni2 ya4
ya mei ni ya
Beautiful Heart
Beautiful Mind
美しい心utsukushii kokoro
utsukushi kokoro
Beautiful Mind美麗心靈
měi lì xīn líng
mei3 li4 xin1 ling2
mei li xin ling
mei li hsin ling
Beautiful Soul美しい魂utsukushii tamashii
utsukushi tamashi
Eternal Beauty永恆的美
yǒng héng de měi
yong3 heng2 de mei3
yong heng de mei
yung heng te mei
God is Good神真美好shén zhēn měi hǎo
shen2 zhen1 mei3 hao3
shen zhen mei hao
shen chen mei hao
Life is Good
Life is Beautiful
生活美好shēng huó měi hǎo
sheng1 huo2 mei3 hao3
sheng huo mei hao
North American Opossum
běi měi fù shǔ
bei3 mei3 fu4 shu3
bei mei fu shu
pei mei fu shu
Timeless Beauty永恆之美
yǒng héng zhī měi
yong3 heng2 zhi1 mei3
yong heng zhi mei
yung heng chih mei
American Football美式橄欖球
měi shì gǎn lǎn qiú
mei3 shi4 gan3 lan3 qiu2
mei shi gan lan qiu
mei shih kan lan ch`iu
mei shih kan lan chiu
American Samoa美屬薩摩亞
měi shǔ sà mó yà
mei3 shu3 sa4 mo2 ya4
mei shu sa mo ya
Beautiful Girl美麗的姑娘
měi lì de gū niang
mei3 li4 de gu1 niang
mei li de gu niang
mei li te ku niang
Beautiful Princess美麗的公主
měi lì de gōng zhǔ
mei3 li4 de gong1 zhu3
mei li de gong zhu
mei li te kung chu
Beautiful Soul美麗的靈魂
měi lì de líng hún
mei3 li4 de ling2 hun2
mei li de ling hun
mei li te ling hun
Beautiful Heart
Beautiful Spirit
měi lì de xīn líng
mei3 li4 de xin1 ling2
mei li de xin ling
mei li te hsin ling
Beautiful Spirit美しい精神utsukushi seishin
Beautiful Woman美麗的女人
měi lì de nǚ rén
mei3 li4 de nv3 ren2
mei li de nv ren
mei li te nü jen
Beautiful Dreamer美麗的夢神
měi lì de mèng shén
mei3 li4 de meng4 shen2
mei li de meng shen
mei li te meng shen
The Good Life
Beautiful Life
美好的生活měi hǎo de shēng huó
mei3 hao3 de sheng1 huo2
mei hao de sheng huo
mei hao te sheng huo
Life is Good生活是美好的shēng huó shì měi hǎo de
sheng1 huo2 shi4 mei3 hao3 de
sheng huo shi mei hao de
sheng huo shih mei hao te
U.S. Virgin Islands美屬維爾斯群島
měi shǔ wéi ěr sī qún dǎo
mei3 shu3 wei2 er3 si1 qun2 dao3
mei shu wei er si qun dao
mei shu wei erh ssu ch`ün tao
mei shu wei erh ssu chün tao
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder美しさは見る人の目の中にあるutsukushi-sa wa miru hito no me no naka ni aru
Tao Te Ching - Chapter 81
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line.
In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese.


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Successful Chinese Character and Japanese Kanji calligraphy searches within the last few hours...

100 Years of Happy Marriage1st Eyes2 in 127 is Active So is 62 Mf What2 Truths4 Noble Truths40th Birthday5 Horses5 Points of War5 Tenets of Taekwondo50 Years50 Years Old50th Anniversary50th Golden Wedding Anniversary6 Foot60 Sale7 Heavenly Virtues7 Virtues of Bushido7 Virtues Off Bushido9 KoiA Black GirlA Journey of 1000 Miles Feels Like OneA Journey of a Thousand MilesA Life of Serenity Yields UnderstandingA Miss is as Good as a MileA Moment of Time is as Precious as GoldA New JourneyA Numan Quami Nsondi KukulangoA RisaA Rising Tide Lifts All BoatsA Simple LifeA Soldier of GodA TaoistA Vast Sky Full of StarsA ViA Warm WelcomeA Wise Man Changes His MindAadenAadhyaAadilAadilahAadonAaftanAaliyahAaliyah SydneyAalyanAalyshaAamaAamirAanandAaniyahAaroAaronAartiAaryanAasaAashirAasiaAbadAbaddAbaddoAbadiAbadieAbakaAbaloneAbaraAbataAbazaAbbaAbbasAbbasiAbbeAbberleyAbbeyAbbiAbbieAbbotAbbottAbbyAbdallahAbdalrahmanAbdelAbdelfettahAbdelhakAbdelilahAbderrahimAbdielAbdirahmanAbdonAbdouAbdulAbdulazizAbdulfattahAbdulkarimAbdullaAbdullahAbdulrahmanAbeerAbelAbelaAbelardAbellAbellaAbgailAbhiAbhinandanAbhishekAbhishekhushbuAbianAbidaAbieAbiegailAbielAbigaelAbigaiAbigailAbigail SatoAbigaileAbilioAbilityAbility to AdaptAbiolaAbirAbiraAbisAbishekAblachimAblazeAbnerAbouAbraAbrahamAbrahanAbramAbreeAbrhamAbrilAbsalomAbsalonAbsolute ZeroAbubakarAbundaAbundanceAbundance and ProsperityAbundance and WellnessAbundaneAbundantAbundant HappinessAbundant HealthAburaAbyssiniaAcalaAcapAccelerateAccept the Situation and Move OnAcceptanceAcceptance of FateAccomplishmentAccountantAccueilAce NekiAce WalkerAcedoAceroAces DojoAcevedaAcevedoAcherAchiAchieveAchieve Inner PeaceAchievementAchikoAchilleAchilleasAchillesAchrafAcintyaAcleActorActualizationAcupunctureAcupuncture and MoxibustionAcupuncturistAda MitchellAdabertoAdahAdairAdalAdalbertoAdalenaAdaluzAdamAdam JonesAdamaAdamantine King KongAdams

All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.

When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
After we create your wall scroll, it takes at least two weeks for air mail delivery from Beijing to you.

Allow a few weeks for delivery. Rush service speeds it up by a week or two for $10!

When you select your calligraphy, you'll be taken to another page where you can choose various custom options.

A nice Chinese calligraphy wall scroll

The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.

A professional Chinese Calligrapher

Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.

There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form of art alive.

Trying to learn Chinese calligrapher - a futile effort

Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.

A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.

Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.