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Spring in Chinese / Japanese...

Buy a Spring calligraphy wall scroll here!

Personalize your custom “Spring” project by clicking the button next to your favorite “Spring” title below...

  1. Autumn / Fall Season

  2. Blue Dragon / Azure Dragon

  3. Chen / Chan / Yo / Jin

  4. Easter

  5. The Four Seasons

  6. Good Luck / Good Fortune

  7. A Moment of Time is as Precious as Gold

  8. Harusame / Spring Rain

  9. Ivy

10. Mother

11. Mountain Travels Poem by Dumu

12. Appreciation and Love for Your Parents

13. Spring Season

14. Wing Chun Kung Fu

15. Wing Chun

16. Wing Chun Fist

17. You must endure a harsh winter to appreciate the warmth of springtime

18. Flourish and Blossom Everywhere

Autumn / Fall Season

Autumn / Fall Season Scroll

秋 is the word/character used to describe the Autumn or Fall season in Chinese and Japanese.

See Also:  Winter | Summer | Four Seasons

Blue Dragon / Azure Dragon

 qīng lóng
 sei ryuu
Blue Dragon / Azure Dragon Scroll

青龍 is a scholarly title for “Blue Dragon” or “Azure Dragon.”

You'll find this title used in ancient Chinese literature and astronomy. This dragon has dominion over the eastern sky or eastern heavens. The Azure Dragon is also noted for representing the spring season. Also seen as an auspicious omen.

Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty canonized the five colored dragons as “kings.” The Azure Dragon represents the most compassionate of kings.

In Japanese, this title is known with the same meaning but can also be a given name, Seiryuu or Seiryu.

Note, the first character can be written as 青 OR 靑. Same character, just two ways to write it.

Chen / Chan / Yo / Jin


Chen / Chan / Yo / Jin Scroll

This is the most common character for a Chinese surname that romanizes as “Chen.”

This is also a surname You or Yo in Japanese, though it can also be pronounced as Chin in Japanese.

In Korean, it is a surname romanized as Jin.

As a word, this character means: to lay out; to exhibit; to display; to narrate; to state; to explain; to tell.

The Chen clan or family was a small kingdom from 1046 BC to 479 BC. It was one of 12 small-but-powerful vassal states during the Spring and Autumn Period 770-475 BC. This name reappeared as the Chen Dynasty (陳朝) of the Southern dynasties from 557 AD to 589 AD.

Easter Scroll

復活祭 is how the holiday of Easter is written in Japanese.

While a not a well-understood holiday in Japan (Christians being about 1% of the population), you will find stuffed Easter bunnies at the shops in the Spring.

復活祭 is a less-used way to write Easter in old Korean.

The Four Seasons

 chūn xià qiū dōng
The Four Seasons Scroll

春夏秋冬 is one way to express “The Four Seasons “ or “All Year Round “.

The characters here represent Spring, Summer, Autumn (Fall), and Winter.

Good Luck / Good Fortune

Good Luck / Good Fortune Scroll

福 is pronounced “fu” in Chinese.

The character “fu” is posted by virtually all Chinese people on the doors of their homes during the Spring Festival (closely associated with the Chinese New Year).

One tradition from the Zhou Dynasty (beginning in 256 B.C.) holds that putting a fu symbol on your front door will keep the goddess of poverty away.

福 literally means good fortune, prosperity, blessed, blessedness, happiness, and fulfillment.

You'll also see this character in Vietnam (where Chinese characters were the written form until a romanization reform) where it is pronounced Phúc - a word commonly used in Vietnamese names because of its good meaning.

See Also:  Lucky

A Moment of Time is as Precious as Gold

A Moment of Time is as Precious as Gold Scroll

春宵一刻 is a Japanese proverb that means “A moment of time in a spring evening (is worth a thousand pieces of gold).”

Harusame / Spring Rain

 chūn yǔ
Harusame / Spring Rain Scroll

春雨 is a Japanese name that means gentle spring rain or gift from above.

It has the same meaning (and can be a given name) in Chinese.

 cháng chūn téng
Ivy Scroll

This is a common way to write “ivy” in Chinese.
There are varieties of ivy plant, and other ways to say ivy in Chinese but this version is probably the nicest. It's the one you would use if writing a poem about ivy etc.

If you want the actual meaning, this is, “Always Young Vine,” or “Ever Living Vine.” The literal meaning of the characters is more like, “Always Spring[time] Vine.” But Spring can have other representations in Chinese such as new life, youth, freshness, joyfulness, etc.

Mother Scroll

母 is a way to say mother in Chinese, Japanese Kanji, and old Korean Hanja.

This can also be an honorary title for an elderly female relative.

Sometimes this can refer to the origin or source of something. Examples: A spring might be the mother of a river, or experience could be the mother of success.

Mountain Travels Poem by Dumu

 yuǎn shàng hán shān shí jìng xiá bái yún shēng chù yǒu rén jiā tíng chē zuò ài fēng lín wǎn shuàng yè hóng yú èr yuè huā
Mountain Travels Poem by Dumu Scroll

This poem was written almost 1200 years ago during the Tang dynasty.

It depicts traveling up a place known as Cold Mountain, where some hearty people have built their homes. The traveler is overwhelmed by the beauty of the turning leaves of the maple forest that surrounds him just as night overtakes the day, and darkness prevails. His heart implores him to stop, and take in all of the beauty around him.

First, before you get to the full translation, I must tell you that Chinese poetry is a lot different than what we have in the west. Chinese words simply don't rhyme in the same way that English or other western languages do. Chinese poetry depends on rhythm and a certain beat of repeated numbers of characters.

I have done my best to translate this poem keeping a certain feel of the original poet. But some of the original beauty of the poem in its original Chinese will be lost in translation.

Far away on Cold Mountain, a stone path leads upwards.
Among white clouds, people's homes reside.
Stopping my carriage I must, as to admire the maple forest at nights fall.
In awe of autumn leaves showing more red than even flowers of early spring.

Hopefully, this poem will remind you to stop, and “take it all in” as you travel through life.
The poet's name is “Du Mu” in Chinese that is: 杜牧.
The title of the poem, “Mountain Travels” is: 山行
You can have the title, poet's name, and even “Tang Dynasty” written as an inscription on your custom wall scroll if you like.

More about the poet:

Dumu lived from 803-852 AD and was a leading Chinese poet during the later part of the Tang dynasty.
He was born in Chang'an, a city in central China and the former capital of the ancient Chinese empire in 221-206 BC. In present-day China, his birthplace is currently known as Xi'an, the home of the Terracotta Soldiers.

He was awarded his Jinshi degree (an exam administered by the emperor's court which leads to becoming an official of the court) at the age of 25 and went on to hold many official positions over the years. However, he never achieved a high rank, apparently because of some disputes between various factions, and his family's criticism of the government. His last post in the court was his appointment to the office of Secretariat Drafter.

During his life, he wrote scores of narrative poems, as well as a commentary on the Art of War and many letters of advice to high officials.

His poems were often very realistic and often depicted everyday life. He wrote poems about everything, from drinking beer in a tavern to weepy poems about lost love.

The thing that strikes you most is the fact even after 1200 years, not much has changed about the beauty of nature, toils, and troubles of love and beer drinking.

Appreciation and Love for Your Parents

 shuí yán cùn cǎo xīn bào dé sān chūn huī
Appreciation and Love for Your Parents Scroll

誰言寸草心報得三春暉 is the last line of a famous poem. It is perceived as a tribute or ode to your parents or mother from a child or children that have left home.

The poem was written by Meng Jiao during the Tang Dynasty (about 1200 years ago). The Chinese title is “You Zi Yin” which means “The Traveler's Recite.”

The last line as shown here speaks of the generous and warm spring sunlight which gives the grass far beyond what the little grass can could ever give back (except perhaps by showing its lovely green leaves and flourishing). The metaphor is that the sun is your mother or parents, and you are the grass. Your parents raise you and give you all the love and care you need to prepare you for the world. A debt that you can never repay, nor is repayment expected.

The first part of the poem (not written in the characters to the left) suggests that the thread in a loving mother's hands is the shirt of her traveling offspring. Vigorously sewing while wishing them to come back sooner than they left.
...This part is really hard to translate into English that makes any sense but maybe you get the idea. We are talking about a poem that is so old that many Chinese people would have trouble reading it (as if it was the King James Version of Chinese).

Spring Season

Spring Season Scroll

春 is the word/character used to describe the Spring season in Chinese and Japanese.

Wing Chun Kung Fu

 yǒng chūn gōng fu
 wing cheun gung fu
Wing Chun Kung Fu Scroll

詠春功夫 is Wing Chun Kung Fu.

The first two characters literally mean “Singing Spring” (as in springtime).

The last two are “Kung Fu” (high skill).

 yǒng chūn
 wing2 cheun1
 ei haru
Wing Chun Scroll

詠春 is a martial arts technique that has an oral history (versus a written one) so very little can be said for sure about its origins.
Wing Chun (or Wing Cheun) is a Chinese martial art that emphasizes short combat strokes.

The characters 詠春 literally mean “Singing Spring” (as in springtime).

If you are wondering, the spelling and pronunciation of this martial arts style in English come from the Cantonese pronunciation of these characters. The second character sounds similar in both Mandarin and Cantonese, but the first is quite different.

Note: This title can be pronounced in Japanese, but only a Japanese practitioner of Wing Chun would recognize or understand this title. It is not considered a Japanese word or martial art at all.

Wing Chun Fist

 yǒng chūn quán
 wing chun kuen
Wing Chun Fist Scroll

詠春拳 is the title for the “Wing Chun” school of martial arts but with the addition of the character for “fist” at the end. So this is “Wing Chun Fist” or literally “Singing Spring Fist.”

There are lots of alternate Cantonese romanizations for this, such as “Wing Chun Kuen,” “Wing Tsun Cheun,” “Eng Chun Pai,” and “Wing Ceon Kyun.” The characters are the same; just the lack of a standard Cantonese romanization means that people make up their own based on what they think it sounds like.

You must endure a harsh winter to appreciate the warmth of springtime

You must know hardship to appreciate happiness

 bù jīng dōng hán bù zhī chūn nuǎn
You must endure a harsh winter to appreciate the warmth of springtime Scroll

This literally translates as: Without having experienced the cold of winter, one cannot appreciate the warmth of spring.

Figuratively, this means: One cannot truly appreciate happiness without having gone through hardship.

There are many contrasts in life. One simply cannot fully know what joy is without having experienced misery, difficulty, and pain. How could you explain “light” if you did not have “darkness” to compare it to?

Embrace hardship, as it makes the good times seem even better.

Flourish and Blossom Everywhere

 biàn dì kāi huā
Flourish and Blossom Everywhere Scroll

遍地開花 is a Chinese proverb that means “to blossom everywhere,” “to spring up all over the place,” or “to flourish on a large scale.”

遍地 = everywhere
開花 = opening flowers

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The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...

Title CharactersRomaji (Romanized Japanese)Various forms of Romanized Chinese
Fall Season
akiqiū / qiu1 / qiuch`iu / chiu
Blue Dragon
Azure Dragon
青龍 / 靑龍
sei ryuu / seiryuu / sei ryuqīng lóng
qing1 long2
qing long
ch`ing lung
ching lung

chinchén / chen2 / chench`en / chen
The Four Seasons春夏秋冬shunkashuutou
chūn xià qiū dōng
chun1 xia4 qiu1 dong1
chun xia qiu dong
ch`un hsia ch`iu tung
chun hsia chiu tung
Good Luck
Good Fortune
fukufú / fu2 / fu
A Moment of Time is as Precious as Gold春宵一刻shunshouikkoku
Spring Rain
春雨harusamechūn yǔ / chun1 yu3 / chun yu / chunyuch`un yü / chunyü / chun yü
Ivy常春藤cháng chūn téng
chang2 chun1 teng2
chang chun teng
ch`ang ch`un t`eng
chang chun teng
Motherhahamǔ / mu3 / mu
Mountain Travels Poem by Dumu遠上寒山石徑斜白雲生處有人家停車坐愛楓林晚霜葉紅於二月花
yuǎn shàng hán shān shí jìng xiá bái yún shēng chù yǒu rén jiā tíng chē zuò ài fēng lín wǎn shuàng yè hóng yú èr yuè huā
yuan3 shang4 han2 shan1 shi2 jing4 xia2 bai2 yun2 sheng1 chu4 you3 ren2 jia1 ting2 che1 zuo4 ai4 feng1 lin2 wan3 shuang4 ye4 hong2 yu2 er4 yue4 hua1
yuan shang han shan shi jing xia bai yun sheng chu you ren jia ting che zuo ai feng lin wan shuang ye hong yu er yue hua
yüan shang han shan shih ching hsia pai yün sheng ch`u yu jen chia t`ing ch`e tso ai feng lin wan shuang yeh hung yü erh yüeh hua
yüan shang han shan shih ching hsia pai yün sheng chu yu jen chia ting che tso ai feng lin wan shuang yeh hung yü erh yüeh hua
Appreciation and Love for Your Parents誰言寸草心報得三春暉
shuí yán cùn cǎo xīn bào dé sān chūn huī
shui2 yan2 cun4 cao3 xin1 bao4 de2 san1 chun1 hui1
shui yan cun cao xin bao de san chun hui
shui yen ts`un ts`ao hsin pao te san ch`un hui
shui yen tsun tsao hsin pao te san chun hui
Spring Seasonharuchūn / chun1 / chunch`un / chun
Wing Chun Kung Fu詠春功夫
yǒng chūn gōng fu
yong3 chun1 gong1 fu
yong chun gong fu
yung ch`un kung fu
yung chun kung fu
Wing Chun詠春
ei haru / eiharuyǒng chūn
yong3 chun1
yong chun
yung ch`un
yung chun
Wing Chun Fist詠春拳
yǒng chūn quán
yong3 chun1 quan2
yong chun quan
yung ch`un ch`üan
yung chun chüan
You must endure a harsh winter to appreciate the warmth of springtime不經冬寒不知春暖
bù jīng dōng hán bù zhī chūn nuǎn
bu4 jing1 dong1 han2 bu4 zhi1 chun1 nuan3
bu jing dong han bu zhi chun nuan
pu ching tung han pu chih ch`un nuan
pu ching tung han pu chih chun nuan
Flourish and Blossom Everywhere遍地開花
biàn dì kāi huā
bian4 di4 kai1 hua1
bian di kai hua
pien ti k`ai hua
pien ti kai hua
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line.
In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese.


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All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.

When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
After we create your wall scroll, it takes at least two weeks for air mail delivery from Beijing to you.

Allow a few weeks for delivery. Rush service speeds it up by a week or two for $10!

When you select your calligraphy, you'll be taken to another page where you can choose various custom options.

A nice Chinese calligraphy wall scroll

The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.

A professional Chinese Calligrapher

Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.

There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form of art alive.

Trying to learn Chinese calligrapher - a futile effort

Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.

A high-ranked Chinese master calligrapher that I met in Zhongwei

The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.

Check out my lists of Japanese Kanji Calligraphy Wall Scrolls and Old Korean Hanja Calligraphy Wall Scrolls.

Some people may refer to this entry as Spring Kanji, Spring Characters, Spring in Mandarin Chinese, Spring Characters, Spring in Chinese Writing, Spring in Japanese Writing, Spring in Asian Writing, Spring Ideograms, Chinese Spring symbols, Spring Hieroglyphics, Spring Glyphs, Spring in Chinese Letters, Spring Hanzi, Spring in Japanese Kanji, Spring Pictograms, Spring in the Chinese Written-Language, or Spring in the Japanese Written-Language.

61 people have searched for Spring in Chinese or Japanese in the past year.
Spring was last searched for by someone else on May 26th, 2024