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see styles
guardian; mentor; protector


see styles
 koukennin / kokennin



see styles
chí guó tiān
    chi2 guo2 tian1
ch`ih kuo t`ien
    chih kuo tien
 Jikoku ten
Dhritarashtra (one of the Four Heavenly Kings)
(or 治國天) Dhṛtarāṣṭra, one of the four deva-guardians or maharājas, controlling the east, of white colour.


see styles
mó lì zhī
    mo2 li4 zhi1
mo li chih
{Buddh} Marici
(or 摩梨支, or 摩里支); 末利支 Marīci. Rays of light, the sun's rays, said to go before the sun; mirage; also intp. as a wreath. A goddess, independent and sovereign, protectress against all violence and peril. 'In Brahmanic mythology, the personification of light, offspring of Brahmā, parent of Sūrya.' 'Among Chinese Buddhists Maritchi is represented as a female with eight arms, two of which are holding aloft emblems of sun and moon, and worshipped as goddess of light and as the guardian of all nations, whom she protects from the fury of war. She is addressed as 天后 queen of heaven, or as 斗姥 lit. mother of the Southern measure (μλρστζ Sagittarī), and identified with Tchundi' and 'with Mahēśvarī, the wife of Maheśvara, and has therefore the attribute Mātrikā', mother of Buddhas. Eitel. Taoists address her as Queen of Heaven.



see styles
pí shā mén
    pi2 sha1 men2
p`i sha men
    pi sha men
(place-name) Bishamon
(毘沙門天王) Vaiśravaṇa. Cf. 財 and 倶. One of the four mahārājas, guardian of the North, king of the yakṣas. Has the title 多聞; 普聞; universal or much hearing or learning, said to be so called because he heard the Buddha's preaching; but Vaiśravaṇa was son of Viśravas, which is from viśru, to be heard of far and wide, celebrated, and should be understood in this sense. Vaiśravaṇa is Kuvera, or Kubera, the Indian Pluto; originally a chief of evil spirits, afterwards the god of riches, and ruler of the northern quarter. Xuanzong built a temple to him in A. D. 753, since which he has been the god of wealth in China, and guardian at the entrance of Buddhist temples. In his right hand he often holds a banner or a lance, in his left a pearl or shrine, or a mongoose out of whose mouth jewels are pouring; under his feet are two demons. Colour, yellow.



see styles
pí liú lí
    pi2 liu2 li2
p`i liu li
    pi liu li
Virūḍhaka. Known as Crystal king, and as 惡生王 Ill-born king. (1) A king of Kośala (son of Prasenajit), destroyer of Kapilavastu. (2) Ikṣvāku, father of the four founders of Kapilavastu. (3) One of the four mahārājas, guardian of the south, king of kumbhāṇḍas, worshipped in China as one of the twenty-four deva āryas; colour blue. Also, 毘璢王; 流離王; 婁勒王 (毘婁勒王); 樓黎王 (維樓黎王); 毘盧釋迦王 (or 毘盧宅迦王); 鼻溜茶迦, etc.



see styles
jìng jū tiān
    jing4 ju1 tian1
ching chü t`ien
    ching chü tien
 Jōgo Ten
The five heavens of purity, in the fourth dhyāna heaven, where the saints dwell who will not return to another rebirth. Also Śuddhāvāsadeva, 'a deva who served as guardian angel to Śākyamuni and brought about his conversion. ' Eitel.


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guardian deity of pregnant women, newborn babies and one's birthplace


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{Shinto} guardian deity of one's birthplace


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see styles
jiān hù rén
    jian1 hu4 ren2
chien hu jen



see styles
mì mì zhǔ
    mi4 mi4 zhu3
mi mi chu
Vajrasattva, cf. 金剛薩埵, who is king of Yakṣas and guardian of the secret of Buddhas.



see styles
ān pó nǚ
    an1 po2 nv3
an p`o nü
    an po nü
(菴婆羅女) Āmradārika, Āmrapālī, Ambapālī; the guardian of the āmra tree; a female who presented to Śākyamuni the Āmravana garden; another legend says she was born of an āmra tree; mother of Jīvaka, son of Bimbisāra.



see styles
xū kōng zàng
    xu1 kong1 zang4
hsü k`ung tsang
    hsü kung tsang
 Kokū Zō
Ākāśagarbha, or Gaganagarbha, the central bodhisattva in the court of space in the garbhadhātu group; guardian of the treasury of all wisdom and achievement; his powers extend to the five directions of space; five forms of him are portrayed under different names; he is also identified with the dawn, Aruṇa, and the 明星 or Venus.


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limited guardian


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legal guardian



see styles
hē lì dǐ
    he1 li4 di3
ho li ti
Hāritī; also 訶利帝 (or 訶哩帝); 呵利底; 呵利帝 (or 呵利陀); 阿利底 Ariti; intp. as captivating, charming; cruel; dark green, yellow, etc.; mother of demons, a rākṣasī who was under a vow to devour the children of Rājagṛha, but was converted by the Buddha, and became the guardian of nunneries, where her image, carrying a child and with children by her, is worshipped for children or in children's ailments.



see styles
hù shì zhě
    hu4 shi4 zhe3
hu shih che
The four lokapālas, each protecting one of the four quarters of space, the guardians of the world and of the Buddhist faith.



see styles
hù jiè shén
    hu4 jie4 shen2
hu chieh shen
The five guardian-spirits of each of the five commandments, cf. 二十五神.


see styles
 dourokujin / dorokujin
traveler's guardian deity (traveller); (place-name) Dōrokujin


see styles
 dourokujin / dorokujin
(See 道祖神) traveler's guardian deity (traveller); (place-name) Dōrokujin



see styles
jīn gāng shén
    jin1 gang1 shen2
chin kang shen
 kongō jin
The guardian spirits of the Buddhist order; the large idols at the entrance of Buddhist monasteries; also 金剛手; 金剛力士.


see styles
guardian deity of seafaring; Kumbhira; (g,p) Konpira



see styles
jīn pí luó
    jin1 pi2 luo2
chin p`i lo
    chin pi lo
guardian deity of seafaring; Kumbhira; (place-name) Konpira
kumbhīra, 金毘囉; 金波羅; 禁毘羅 (or 宮毘羅); a crocodile, alligator, described as 蛟龍 a 'boa-dragon'; cf. 失. A yakṣa-king who was converted and became a guardian of Buddhism, also known as 金毘羅陀 (金毘羅陀迦毘羅); 金毘羅神; 金毘羅大將. For 金毘羅比丘 Kampilla, v. 劫.



see styles
gōu pú sà
    gou1 pu2 sa4
kou p`u sa
    kou pu sa
 kō bosatsu
The bodhisattva guardian with the trident, one of the four with barb, noose, chain or bell.


see styles
traveler's guardian deity (traveller)



see styles
wéi jiàng jun
    wei2 jiang4 jun1
wei chiang chün
(韋天將軍) One of the generals under the southern mahārāja guardian in a temple.


see styles
{Buddh} Wei-To (temple guardian sometimes confused with Vajrapani); (personal name) Ida-ten



see styles
wéi tuó tiān
    wei2 tuo2 tian1
wei t`o t`ien
    wei to tien
(韋馱) Weiduo, the guardian facing the main hall of a temple; the origin of Weiduo is uncertain.


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(1) {Buddh} Skanda (swift-footed guardian deity); (2) great runner



see styles
sān shì jué mǔ
    san1 shi4 jue2 mu3
san shih chüeh mu
A name for Mañjuśrī 文殊; as guardian of the wisdom of Vairocana he is the bodhi-mother of all Buddhas past, present, and future.


see styles
sān shí liù shén
    san1 shi2 liu4 shen2
san shih liu shen
 sanjūroku shin
(三十六部神) The thirty-six departmental guardian divinities given in the 灌頂三歸五戒帶佩護身咒經. Each is styled 彌栗頭 mṛdu, benign, kindly, for which 善 is used. Their Sanskrit and Chinese names are given in Chinese as follows: (1) 不羅婆 or 善光 kindly light, has to do with attacks of disease; (2) 婆呵婆 or 善明 headaches; (3) 婆邏婆 or 善力 fevers; (4) 抗陀羅 or 善月 disorders of the stomach; (5) 陀利奢 or 善見 tumours; (6) 阿婁呵 or 善供 madness; (7) 伽婆帝 or 善捨 stupidity; (8) 悉抵哆 or 善寂 irascibility; (9) 菩堤薩 or善覺 lust; (10) 提婆羅 or 善天 devils; (11) 阿婆帝 or 善住 deadly injuries; (12) 不若羅 of 善福 graves; (13) 苾闍伽 or 善術 the four quarters; (14) 迦隸婆 or 善帝 enemies; (15) 羅闍遮 or 善主 robbers; (16) 須乾陀 or 善香 creditors; (17) 檀那波 or 善施 thieves; (18) 支多那 or 善意 pestilence; (19) 羅婆那 or 善吉 the five plagues (? typhoid); (20) 鉢婆馱 or 善山 corpse worms; (21) 三摩提 or 善調 continuous concentration; (22) 戾禘馱 or 善備 restlessness; (23) 波利陀 or 善敬 attraction; (24) 波利那 or 善淨 evil cabals; (25) 度伽地 or 善品 deadly poison; (26) 毘梨馱 or 善結 fear; (27) 支陀那 or 善壽 calamities; (28) 伽林摩 or 善逝 childbirth and nursing; (29) 阿留伽 or 善願 the district magistracy; (30) 闍利馱 or 善固 altercations; (31) 阿伽駄 or 善照 anxieties and distresses; (32) 阿訶婆 or 善生 uneasiness; (33) 婆和邏 or 善思 supernatural manifestations; (34) 波利那 or 善藏 jealousy; (35) 固陀那 or 善音 curses; (36) 韋陀羅 or 善妙 exorcism. They have innumerable assistants. He who writes their names and carries them with him can be free from all fear.


see styles
 sanjuubanjin / sanjubanjin
{Buddh} the thirty guardian deities (one for each day of the lunar month)


see styles
 sanboukoujin / sanbokojin
(1) {Buddh} (See 三宝) guardian deity of the three jewels (Buddha, Dharma and Sangha); (2) three-person saddle


see styles
èr shí wǔ shén
    er4 shi2 wu3 shen2
erh shih wu shen
 nijūgo shin
The twenty-five guardian deities who protect any keeper of the commandments, i.e. five for each of the commandments against killing, robbing, adultery, lying, and drinking.


see styles
wǔ dà míng wáng
    wu3 da4 ming2 wang2
wu ta ming wang
 godaimyouou / godaimyoo
{Buddh} five great wisdom kings (Acala, Kundali, Trilokavijaya, Vajrayaksa, Yamantaka)
The five Dharmapālas, or Law-guardians of the Five Dhyāni-Buddhas, of whom they are emanations or embodiments in two forms, compassionate and minatory. The five kings are the fierce aspect, e. g. Yamantaka, or the 六足尊金剛 Six-legged Honoured One is an emanation of Mañjuśrī, who is an emanation of Amitābha. The five kings are 不動, 降三世, 軍荼梨, 六足尊, and 淨身, all vajra-kings.



see styles
bǎo jìng jiàng jun
    bao3 jing4 jiang4 jun1
pao ching chiang chün
 hōkyō shōgun
The guardian general of the region.


see styles
(1) legal guardians' association; parents' association (at a school); (2) parent-teacher's meeting


see styles
bā dà míng wáng
    ba1 da4 ming2 wang2
pa ta ming wang
 hachidaimyouou / hachidaimyoo
{Buddh} (See 五大明王) eight great wisdom kings (Acala, Kundali, Mezu, Munosho, Trilokavijaya, Ucchusma, Vajrayaksa, Yamantaka)
The eight diamond-kings, or bodhisattvas, in their representations as fierce guardians of Vairocana 大日; 金剛手 is represented as 降三世; 妙吉祥; as 大威德;虛空藏as大笑; 慈氏 as 大輪; 觀自在 as 馬頭; 地藏 as 無能勝明; 除蓋障 as 不動尊 and 普賢as歩擲.


see styles
shí liù shàn shén
    shi2 liu4 shan4 shen2
shih liu shan shen
Two lists are given, one of sixteen 大將 mahārājas; another of sixteen 善神 good spirits or gods; all of them are guardians of the good and enemies of evil.


see styles
sì dà tiān wáng
    si4 da4 tian1 wang2
ssu ta t`ien wang
    ssu ta tien wang
 shi daitennō
the four heavenly kings (Sanskrit vajra); the four guardians or warrior attendants of Buddha
see 四天王. The four deva-kings of the four quarters, guardians in a monastery.



see styles
sì fāng dà jiāng
    si4 fang1 da4 jiang1
ssu fang ta chiang
 shihō daisō
The four 'generals' or guardians of the Law, of the four directions: N. 散脂四方, E. 樂欲四方, S. 檀帝四方, W. 善現四方. Each has 500 followers and twenty-eight companies of demons and spirits. Cf. 四天王.



see styles
dà lì jīn gāng
    da4 li4 jin1 gang1
ta li chin kang
 dairiki kongō
The mighty "diamond" or Vajra-mahārāja in the Garbhadhātu group, a fierce guardian and servant of Buddhism, see below.


see styles
(n,adj-na,adj-no) (1) perversity; perverse person; contrary person; contrarian; (2) antagonistic demon in Japanese folklore; (3) demon under the feet of temple guardian statues


see styles
tiān bù shàn shén
    tian1 bu4 shan4 shen2
t`ien pu shan shen
    tien pu shan shen
 tenbu zenjin
Brahma, Indra, the four devaloka-rājas, and the other spirit guardians of Buddhism.


see styles
 ininkeiyaku / ininkeyaku
{law} delegation contract; mandate agreement; contract delegating legal authority (e.g. to a guardian)


see styles
 koyasujizou / koyasujizo
(See 地蔵) guardian Ksitigarbha of childbirth (bodhisattva)


see styles
(See 観音) guardian Avalokitesvara of children and childbirth (bodhisattva)


see styles
guardian deity



see styles
nǔ dá luō sǎ
    nu3 da2 luo1 sa3
nu ta lo sa
Durdharṣa, hard to hold 難執持, or hard to overcome 難降伏, or hard to behold 無能見, guardian of the inner gate in Vairocana's maṇḍala.



see styles
tí duō luó zhà
    ti2 duo1 luo2 zha4
t`i to lo cha
    ti to lo cha
Dhṛtarāṣṭra, one of the four mahārājas, the yellow guardian eastward of Sumeru; also 頭賴吒; 第黎多曷羅殺吒羅.



see styles
pí shā mén tiān
    pi2 sha1 men2 tian1
p`i sha men t`ien
    pi sha men tien
{Buddh} Vaisravana (guardian god of Buddhism); (place-name) Bishamonten
(Skt. Vaiśravaṇa)



see styles
pí liú bō chā
    pi2 liu2 bo1 cha1
p`i liu po ch`a
    pi liu po cha
Virūpākṣa, 'irregular-eyed,' 'three-eyed like Śiva,' translated wide-eyed, or evil-eyed; one of the four mahārājas, guardian of the West, lord of nāgas, colour red. Also 毘流博叉 (or 毘樓博叉); 鼻溜波阿叉; 鞞路波阿迄.



see styles
niú tóu dà wáng
    niu2 tou2 da4 wang2
niu t`ou ta wang
    niu tou ta wang
 gozu daiō
The guardian deity of the Jetavana monastery, and an incarnation of 藥師 q. v.


see styles
lion dance; traditional dance performed by one or more dancers wearing a guardian lion costume


see styles
God and Buddha; Gods and Buddhas; one's guardian angel



see styles
pú tí shù shén
    pu2 ti2 shu4 shen2
p`u t`i shu shen
    pu ti shu shen
 Bodaiju jin
The goddess-guardian of the Bo-tree.


see styles
 hikoukensha / hikokensha
ward (of a guardian); pupil


see styles
person subject to a limited guardianship


see styles
(transitive verb) (1) to select; to choose; (2) to diagnose (an illness); to judge; (3) to liken to something else; to regard as something else (e.g. to use another person as a mirror); (4) to see someone off; (5) to look after; to be (someone's) guardian; (6) to underrate; to look down on; to underestimate (someone)


see styles
(transitive verb) (1) to select; to choose; (2) to diagnose (an illness); to judge; (3) to liken to something else; to regard as something else (e.g. to use another person as a mirror); (4) to see someone off; (5) to look after; to be (someone's) guardian; (6) to underrate; to look down on; to underestimate (someone)



see styles
hù míng dà shì
    hu4 ming2 da4 shi4
hu ming ta shih
 Gomyō daishi
Prabhāpāla; guardian of light, or illumination, name of Śākyamuni when in the Tuṣita heaven before earthly incarnation.



see styles
jīn gāng lì shì
    jin1 gang1 li4 shi4
chin kang li shih
 kongourikishi / kongorikishi
{Buddh} Deva king; fierce guardian god (at a temple gate)



see styles
jīn gāng yè chā
    jin1 gang1 ye4 cha1
chin kang yeh ch`a
    chin kang yeh cha
 kongō yasa
(or 金剛藥叉) Vajrayakṣa. One of the five 大明王, fierce guardian of the north in the region of Amoghasiddhi, or Śākyamuni, also styled the bodhisattva with the fangs.



see styles
jīn gāng mì jī
    jin1 gang1 mi4 ji1
chin kang mi chi
 kongō misshaku
The deva-guardians of the secrets of Vairocana, his inner or personal group of guardians in contrast with the outer or major group of Puxian, Mañjuśrī, etc. Similarly, Śāriputra, the śrāvakas, etc., are the 'inner' guardians of Śākyamuni, the bodhisattvas being the major group. Idem 金剛手; 金剛力士; 密迹力士, etc.



see styles
jīn gāng nù mù
    jin1 gang1 nu4 mu4
chin kang nu mu
(idiom) to have a face as terrifying as a temple's guardian deity


see styles
local deity; guardian god



see styles
yán màn dé jiā
    yan2 man4 de2 jia1
yen man te chia
Yamāntaka, the destroyer; Śiva, Yama's destroyer; one of the 明王 represented with six legs, guardian of the West.



see styles
wéi tuó pú sà
    wei2 tuo2 pu2 sa4
wei t`o p`u sa
    wei to pu sa
Skanda, the general or guardian Bodhisattva



see styles
bù kě yuè shǒu hù
    bu4 ke3 yue4 shou3 hu4
pu k`o yüeh shou hu
    pu ko yüeh shou hu
 fukaotsu shugo
Two guardians of the Law on the right of Mañjuśrī in the Garbhadhātu maṇḍala, named 難持 and 難勝.



see styles
èr shí bā bù zhòng
    er4 shi2 ba1 bu4 zhong4
erh shih pa pu chung
 nijūhachi bushu
The thousand-hand Guanyin has twenty-eight groups of 大仙衆great ṛṣis or genii, under the direction of the 孔雀王 Peacock king, Mayūrarāja; also each of the 四天王 mahārājas, or guardians of the four regions, has the same provision of demons, known as 鬼神衆 company of spirits.



see styles
wǔ dà lì pú sà
    wu3 da4 li4 pu2 sa4
wu ta li p`u sa
    wu ta li pu sa
 go dairiki bosatsu
The five powerful Bodhisattvas, guardians of the four quarters and the centre.



see styles
yī lǎng xiàn jiān huì
    yi1 lang3 xian4 jian1 hui4
i lang hsien chien hui
Guardian Council of the Constitution of Iran



see styles
yī luó bō lóng wáng
    yi1 luo2 bo1 long2 wang2
i lo po lung wang
 irahatsuryū ō
(伊羅鉢多羅龍王); 伊羅多羅 (or 伊羅跋羅); 伊羅婆那; 伊那槃婆龍 and many other forms, v. supra. Elāpattra, Erāpattra, Eḍavarṇa, Ersavarṇa. A nāga, or elephant, which is also a meaning of Airāvaṇa and Airāvata. A nāga-guardian of a sea or lake, who had plucked a herb wrongfully in a previous incarnation, been made into a naga and now begged the Buddha that he might be reborn in a higher sphere. Another version is that he pulled up a tree, which stuck to his head and grew there, hence his name. One form is 伊羅婆那龍象王, which may have an association with Indra's elephant.



see styles
jù pí liú bō chā
    ju4 pi2 liu2 bo1 cha1
chü p`i liu po ch`a
    chü pi liu po cha
Defined variously, but in indicative of Virūpākṣa, the three-eyed Śiva; the guardian ruler of the West, v. 毘.



see styles
dà yuán shuài míng wáng
    da4 yuan2 shuai4 ming2 wang2
ta yüan shuai ming wang
 taigenmyouou; daigensuimyouou / taigenmyoo; daigensuimyoo
    たいげんみょうおう; だいげんすいみょうおう
{Buddh} Atavaka (guardian deity)
The great commander, one of the sixteen 明王 q.v., named Atavika 阿吒薄迦 (or 倶 or 皆). There are four sutras, chiefly spells connected with his cult.


see styles
dà yǒng měng pú sà
    da4 yong3 meng3 pu2 sa4
ta yung meng p`u sa
    ta yung meng pu sa
A guardian ruler in the Garbhadhātu group called Mahānīla, the Great Blue Pearl, or perhaps sapphire, which in some way is associated with him.


see styles
pó shān pó yǎn dǐ
    po2 shan1 po2 yan3 di3
p`o shan p`o yen ti
    po shan po yen ti
 basan baentei
vasanta-vayantī, spring-weaving, but the description is of a guardian of the night or of sleep.


see styles
 seinenkoukennin / senenkokennin
{law} adult guardian; guardian of adult



see styles
pí hē luó bō luó
    pi2 he1 luo2 bo1 luo2
p`i ho lo po lo
    pi ho lo po lo
vihārapāla, the guardian of a monastery.


see styles
guardian deity of silkworms


see styles
bí lù bō ā chā
    bi2 lu4 bo1 a1 cha1
pi lu po a ch`a
    pi lu po a cha
Virūpākṣa. One of the lokapāla, or guardians of the four cardinal points of Mount Sumeru. In China known as 廣目 wide-eyed, red in colour with a small pagoda in his right hand, and a serpent in his left; in China worshipped as one of the twenty-four Deva Ārya 天尊. Also, a name for Maheśvara or Rudra (Śiva). Cf. 毘 and 髀.


see styles
 gaadian / gadian
guardian; (personal name) Gadian



see styles
mì jī jīn gāng lì shì
    mi4 ji1 jin1 gang1 li4 shi4
mi chi chin kang li shih
 Misshaku kongō rikishi
Vajrapāṇi, guardian of buddhas, driving away all yakṣa disturbers, a form of Indra; his dhāraṇīs have been twice translated into Chinese, v. B.N. The 密奢兜 esoteric 'Cintya' is a mantra said to have been used by all the seven buddhas down to and including Śākyamuni.


see styles
ranger (forest); mountain guardian


see styles
(1) echo (esp. one reverberating in the mountains); (2) mountain god; mountain guardian deity


see styles
 seinenkoukenseido / senenkokensedo
{law} conservatorship; adult guardianship



see styles
bá zhé luó zhà hē shā
    ba2 zhe2 luo2 zha4 he1 sha1
pa che lo cha ho sha
Vajrāṭṭahāsa, i.e. Śiva, one of the guardians, the laughing Mahārāja.


see styles
guardian deity of grain farming; guardian deity of the rice harvest


see styles
 shugoryuu / shugoryu
(guards the 龍穴 from which flows the 龍脈) guardian dragon



see styles
xiàn fǎ jiān hù wěi yuán huì
    xian4 fa3 jian1 hu4 wei3 yuan2 hui4
hsien fa chien hu wei yüan hui
Guardian Council, body of 12 appointed clerics which governs Iran


see styles
guardian deity of seafaring; Kumbhira


see styles
 kourai(高麗)(p); koma / korai(高麗)(p); koma
    こうらい(高麗)(P); こま
(1) (こうらい only) (hist) (abbreviation) Goryeo (dynasty of Korea; 918-1392 CE); (n,n-pref) (2) Korea (esp. the Goguryeo kingdom or the Goryeo dynasty); (3) (狛 only) (See 狛犬) (stone) guardian lion-dogs at Shinto shrine


see styles
 niou / nio
two Deva kings; guardian gods of Buddhism who stand at the entrance of a Buddhist temple



see styles
pó shé luó bō ní pó lǐ hàn
    po2 she2 luo2 bo1 ni2 po2 li3 han4
p`o she lo po ni p`o li han
    po she lo po ni po li han
 Bajarahani barikan
Vajrapāṇibalin, the powerful one with the thunderbolt, one of the two gate-guardians.


see styles
(1) (See ライオン) lion; (2) (See 狛犬) left-hand guardian dog at a Shinto shrine


see styles
lion dance; traditional dance performed by one or more dancers wearing a guardian lion costume



see styles
dì lí duō hé luó shā zhà luó
    di4 li2 duo1 he2 luo2 sha1 zha4 luo2
ti li to ho lo sha cha lo
Dhṛtarāṣṭra, one of the four mahārājas, the white guardian of the east, one of the lokapālas, a king of gandharvas and piśacas; cf. 提.


see styles
guardian deity of a ship


see styles
(stone) guardian lion-dogs at a Shinto shrine

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "Ardian" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary