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Simple Dictionary Definition



see styles
jiǔ kuò
    jiu3 kuo4
chiu k`uo
    chiu kuo
 kyuukatsu / kyukatsu
a long period of separation
not having met or contacted someone for a long time; neglect of friends


see styles
jiǔ guǐ
    jiu3 gui3
chiu kuei
(place-name, surname) Kuki
The nine classes of ghosts are of three kinds: without means, small means, rich. The first group have 炬口 burning torch-like mouths, or 鍼口 narrow needle mouths, or 臭口 stinking mouths; the second group have hair like needles, or stinking hair, or tumours; the rich ghosts haunt sacrifices to the dead, or eat human leavings, or live truculently.


see styles
(suffix) (1) (kana only) ending; quitting; closing; (2) (kana only) indicates disappointment for not having done what one wanted or intended to do; end; close; finish; termination


see styles
èr lì
    er4 li4
erh li
 ji ri
The dual benefits, or profits: benefiting or developing oneself and others; 自利 in seeking enlightenment in bodhisattvahood, 利他 in saving the multitude. Hīnayāna "seeks only one's own benefit"; the bodhisattva rule seeks both one's own benefit and that of others, or personal improvement for the improving of others.


see styles
èr lì
    er4 li4
erh li
(female given name) Nika
Dual powers; there are three definitions: (1) 自力 one's own strength, or endeavours, i.e. salvation by cultivating 戒, 定, and 慧; 他カ another's strength, e.g. the saving power of Amitābha. (2) 思擇力 Power of thought in choosing (right principles); 修習力 power of practice and performance. (3) 有力 and 無力 positive and negative forces: dominant and subordinate; active and inert energy.


see styles
hù sù
    hu4 su4
hu su
(math.) coprime; relatively prime (having no common factor)



see styles
wǔ shí
    wu3 shi2
wu shih
(五時教) The five periods or divisions of Śākyamuni's teaching. According to Tiantai they are (1) 華嚴時 the Avataṃsaka or first period in three divisions each of seven days, after his enlightenment, when he preached the content, of this sutra; (2) 鹿苑時 the twelve years of his preaching the Āgamas 阿含 in the Deer Park; (3) 方等時 the eight years of preaching Mahāyāna-cum-Hīnayāna doctrines, the vaipulya period; (4) 般若時 the twenty-two years of his preaching the prajñā or wisdom sutras; (5) 法華涅槃時 the eight years of his preaching the Lotus Sutra and, in a day and a night, the Nirvana Sutra. According to the Nirvana School (now part of the Tiantai) they are (1) 三乘別教 the period when the differentiated teaching began and the distinction of the three vehicles, as represented by the 四諦 Four Noble Truths for śrāvakas, the 十二因緣 Twelve Nidānas for pratyekabuddhas, and the 六度 Six Pāramitās for bodhisattvas; (2) 三乘通教 the teaching common to all three vehicles, as seen in the 般若經; (3) 抑揚教 the teaching of the 維摩經, the 思益梵天所問經, and other sutras olling the bodhisattva teaching at the expense of that for śrāvakas; (4) 同歸教 the common objective teaching calling all three vehicles, through the Lotus, to union in the one vehicle; (5) 常住教 the teaehmg of eternal life i. e. the revelation through the Nirvana sutra of the eternity of Buddhahood; these five are also called 有相; 無相; 抑揚; 曾三歸—; and 圓常. According to 劉虬 Liu Chiu of the 晉 Chin dynasty, the teaching is divided into 頓 immediate and 漸 gradual attainment, the latter having five divisions called 五時教 similar to those of the Tiantai group. According to 法寶 Fabao of the Tang dynasty the five are (1) 小乘; (2) 般着 or 大乘; (3) 深密 or 三乘; (4) 法華 or 一乘; (5) 涅槃 or 佛性教.


see styles
xiǎng shòu
    xiang3 shou4
hsiang shou
 kyouju / kyoju
to enjoy; to live it up; pleasure; CL:種|种[zhong3]
(noun, transitive verb) enjoyment (of freedom, beauty, etc.); reception (of a right, privilege, rank, etc.); having
to receive and make one's own



see styles
rén wéi
    ren2 wei2
jen wei
artificial; man-made; having human cause or origin; human attempt or effort
(noun - becomes adjective with の) human work; human agency; art; artificiality


see styles
rén dān
    ren2 dan1
jen tan
Jintan mouth refresher lozenge, produced by Morishita Jintan company from 1905
Jintan (brand-name breath mint marketed as having various medicinal properties); refreshing candies resembling BBs or metallic dragees; (surname, female given name) Nitan


see styles
(suffix) (1) (kana only) ending; quitting; closing; (2) (kana only) indicates disappointment for not having done what one wanted or intended to do; (1) end; close; finish; termination; (2) noh dance in plain clothes


see styles
(suffix noun) leaving everything up to someone else


see styles
xiū gēng
    xiu1 geng1
hsiu keng
 kyuukou / kyuko
to leave farmland to lie fallow
(n,vs,vi) {agric} lying fallow; leaving a field uncultivated


see styles
(n,vs,vi) eating together; dining together; having a meal together


see styles
zuò guài
    zuo4 guai4
tso kuai
(of a ghost) to make strange things happen; to act up; to act behind the scenes; to make mischief; odd; to misbehave (euphemism for having sex)


see styles
biàn xiě
    bian4 xie3
pien hsieh
having blood in one's stool


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bǎo cún
    bao3 cun2
pao ts`un
    pao tsun
to conserve; to preserve; to keep; to save (a file etc) (computing)
(noun, transitive verb) (1) preservation; conservation; storage; maintenance; (noun, transitive verb) (2) {comp} saving (e.g. to disk)



see styles
xìn tuō
    xin4 tuo1
hsin t`o
    hsin to
to entrust; trust bond (finance)
(noun, transitive verb) trust; entrusting; leaving in someone's trust


see styles
fǔ kàn
    fu3 kan4
fu k`an
    fu kan
to look down at (from a high vantage point)
(noun, transitive verb) overlooking; looking down at; having an overhead view; having a bird's-eye view; having a high-angle view


see styles
jù yǒu
    ju4 you3
chü yu
Existing together; all being, existing, or having.



see styles
piān láo
    pian1 lao2
p`ien lao
    pien lao
undue trouble; Thank you for having gone out of your way to help me.


see styles
piān shí
    pian1 shi2
p`ien shih
    pien shih
partial to (some kinds of food, usu. unhealthy); having likes and dislikes; partial eclipse
(n,vs,vi) unbalanced diet


see styles
 kenjou / kenjo
(adj-na,adj-no,n) non-disabled; having no physical or mental disability; able-bodied


see styles
 guuyuu / guyu
(noun, transitive verb) having an accident



see styles
bèi pí
    bei4 pi2
pei p`i
    pei pi
to prep a patient's skin prior to surgery (shaving hair, cleansing etc)



see styles
qīng dào
    qing1 dao4
ch`ing tao
    ching tao
 keitou / keto
to dump; to pour; to empty out
(n,vs,vi) (1) devoting oneself to; concentrating on; being an ardent admirer of; having great esteem for; (n,vs,vi) (2) (archaism) (orig. meaning) tipping over and collapsing



see styles
sēng yí
    seng1 yi2
seng i
The monastic custom, i.e. shaving head and beard, wearing the robe, etc.



see styles
chǔ xù
    chu3 xu4
ch`u hsü
    chu hsü
to save money (in a bank); savings
(noun/participle) savings


see styles
 genpuku; genbuku
    げんぷく; げんぶく
(noun/participle) (1) (hist) male coming-of-age-ceremony; (noun/participle) (2) (hist) (See 丸髷・1) shaving one's eyebrows, blackening one's teeth, and wearing one's hair in the marumage style (of a newly married woman; Edo period)


see styles
(1) (abbreviation) eighth (place, position, etc.); (2) having eight eyes; having many eyes; (3) (of a fabric) having a loose knit; (4) lamprey; (5) eight-holed arrow whistle; (surname) Yatsume



see styles
bā chù
    ba1 chu4
pa ch`u
    pa chu
Eight physical sensations which hinder meditation in its early stages: restlessness, itching, buoyancy, heaviness, coldness, heat, roughness, smoothness. 止觀 8.



see styles
jù bèi
    ju4 bei4
chü pei
to possess; to have; equipped with; able to fulfill (conditions or requirements)
(n,vs,vt,vi) possessing (what is required); having; fulfilling (conditions); satisfying (requisites); being endowed with



see styles
jù shòu
    ju4 shou4
chü shou
? āyuṣmant. Having long life, a term by which monk, a pupil or a youth may be addressed.


see styles
jiān yǒu
    jian1 you3
chien yu
 kenyuu / kenyu
to combine; to have both
(noun/participle) having both


see styles
(n,vs,vi) (abbreviation) (colloquialism) (abbr. of 再婚活動) (See 婚活) searching for a marriage partner (after having divorced once or more)


see styles
(1) (abbreviation) (See 写真結婚・1) staged wedding photographs; photo-only wedding; having wedding photography taken without holding an actual wedding; (2) (hist) (abbreviation) (See 写真結婚・2) picture marriage; mail-order marriage


see styles
 shukkyou / shukkyo
(n,vs,vi) (1) (See 上京) leaving for the capital; going to the capital; (n,vs,vi) (2) (See 離京) leaving the capital; (personal name) Suikyō


see styles
chū qín
    chu1 qin2
ch`u ch`in
    chu chin
to go to work; to be present (at work, school etc); to be away on business
(n,vs,vi) (See 退勤) going to work; leaving for work; attendance (at work); being at work; presence (in the office); reporting for work


see styles
 shukkou / shukko
(n,vs,vi) (1) temporary transfer (of an employee); secondment; relocation; loan; (n,vs,vi) (2) proceeding to; leaving for; (surname) Demukai


see styles
 shukkoku(p); shutsugoku(ik)
    しゅっこく(P); しゅつごく(ik)
(n,vs,vi) (ant: 入国) departure from a country; leaving a country


see styles
(noun/participle) leaving (a district, zone, etc.); going out of


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chū dìng
    chu1 ding4
ch`u ting
    chu ting
 shutsujou / shutsujo
(n,vs,vi) {Buddh} (ant: 入定・1) leaving a state of intense concentration
To come out of the state of dhyāna; to enter into it is 入定.


see styles
(noun/participle) (1) (See 入庫・1) delivery from a storehouse; shipping; (noun/participle) (2) (See 入庫・2) leaving a garage; leaving the depot


see styles
chū huì
    chu1 hui4
ch`u hui
    chu hui
The wisdom of leaving mortality, or reincarnations; the wisdom of leaving the world.


see styles
(irregular okurigana usage) (n,adv) (1) (being) about to start out; (being) about to leave; (2) having just left; (being) on the way


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 shukkou / shukko
(noun/participle) going to or leaving school


see styles
leaving the (repair) dock


see styles
chū gǎng
    chu1 gang3
ch`u kang
    chu kang
 shukkou / shukko
to leave harbor; departure (at airport)
(n,vs,vi) (See 入港) departure from a port; leaving port; setting sail


see styles
(n,vs,vi) departure; leaving; setting off; (personal name) Shuppatsu


see styles
(noun/participle) leaving prison


see styles
chū háng
    chu1 hang2
ch`u hang
    chu hang
 shukkou / shukko
to set out (on a trip)
(n,vs,vi) departure (of a boat, plane); setting sail; leaving port; putting out to sea; takeoff


see styles
 defune; debune; shussen
    でふね; でぶね; しゅっせん
(n,vs,vi) (1) departure of a ship (from a port); setting sail; (2) (でふね, でぶね only) (also いでぶね) (See 入り船) outgoing ship; ship leaving port; (surname) Defune


see styles
 shukkyou / shukkyo
(n,vs,vi) leaving one's home town; priest going out to teach



see styles
chū mén
    chu1 men2
ch`u men
    chu men
to go out; to leave home; to go on a journey; away from home; (of a woman) to get married
(n,vs,vi) exiting through a gate; going out; leaving (the premises); (surname) Demon
going out of the gate


see styles
 keiyo / keyo
(adj-no,n) (1) (form) having served time in prison; ex-convict; (2) (archaism) (See 宦官) eunuch


see styles
 bekke; bekka
    べっけ; べっか
(n,vs,vi) (1) branch family; cadet family; setting up a branch family; (n,vs,vi) (2) (See 暖簾分け) leaving one's employer to set up a new shop with the same name; (3) (archaism) separate house; (surname) Betsuke


see styles
dessert stomach; having room for dessert despite being full


see styles
bào huā
    bao4 hua1
pao hua
wood shavings


see styles
kè yìn
    ke4 yin4
k`o yin
    ko yin
to engrave a seal; stamp mark; to print with carved type; to leave a deep impression
(n,vs,vt,vi) (1) engraving a seal; engraved seal; inscribed seal; (noun, transitive verb) (2) engraving; inscribing; stamping (an impression); (3) (See 極印・2) brand (i.e. a mark of disgrace); stamp; reputation


see styles
 teimou / temo
(noun/participle) (See 剃る) shaving


see styles
 teihatsu / tehatsu
(n,vs,vi) tonsure; shaving one's head (upon entering the Buddhist priesthood)


see styles
(n-suf,n-pref,n) (1) shaving; planing; cutting; (n-suf,n-pref,n) (2) shavings; flakes



see styles
gē ài
    ge1 ai4
ko ai
to part with something cherished; to forsake
(noun, transitive verb) (1) omitting (reluctantly); leaving out; dropping; (noun, transitive verb) (2) giving up (reluctantly); parting with; sharing; sparing
cut off attachments



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huà huā
    hua4 hua1
hua hua
engraving (on porcelain etc)


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(suf,adj-na) (1) (kana only) (after a noun or -masu stem of verb; describes a negative tendency) apt to (do); liable to; prone to; inclined to; tend to; (suf,adj-na) (2) (kana only) predominantly; mostly; having lots of; (suffix) (3) (usu. as ...もの〜) ... reaps the rewards; ... takes the prize; ... wins



see styles
shèng yǒu
    sheng4 you3
sheng yu
(given name) Masatomo
Jinamitra, friend of the Jina, or, having the Jina for friend; also the name of an eloquent monk of Nālandā, circa A. D. 630, author of Sarvāstivādavinaya-saṅgrāha, tr. A. D. 700.



see styles
huà xiàn
    hua4 xian4
hua hsien
(n,vs,vi) {Buddh} manifesting in a bodily form (of a god or Buddha); incarnation; avatar
Metamorphosis and manifestation; the appearance or forms of a Buddha or bodhisattva for saving creatures may take any form required for that end.



see styles
shí lái
    shi2 lai2
shih lai
(female given name) Torai
(十來偈) The ten rhymes in "lai", a verse which expresses the Buddhist doctrine of moral determinism, i.e. that the position anyone now occupies is solely the result of his character in past lives; heredity and environment having nothing to do with his present condition, for, whether in prince or beggar, it is the reward of past deeds. The upright from the forbearing come,
The poor from the mean and greedy come,
Those of high rank from worshippers come,
The low and common from the Prideful come,
Those who are dumb from slanderers come,
The blind and deaf from unbelievers come,
The long-lived from the merciful come,
The short-lived from life, takers come,
The deficient in faculties from command-breakers come,
The complete in faculties from command-keepers come.


see styles
shí dì
    shi2 di4
shih ti
 juuji / juji
{Buddh} dasabhumi (forty-first to fiftieth stages in the development of a bodhisattva); (place-name) Jūji
daśabhūmi; v. 十住. The "ten stages" in the fifty-two sections of the development of a bodhisattva into a Buddha. After completing the十四向 he proceeds to the 十地. There are several groups. I. The ten stages common to the Three Vehicles 三乘 are: (1) 乾慧地 dry wisdom stage, i. e. unfertilized by Buddha-truth, worldly wisdom; (2) 性地 the embryo-stage of the nature of Buddha-truth, the 四善根; (3) 八人地 (八忍地), the stage of the eight patient endurances; (4) 見地 of freedom from wrong views; (5) 薄地 of freedom from the first six of the nine delusions in practice; (6) 離欲地 of freedom from the remaining three; (7) 巳辨地 complete discrimination in regard to wrong views and thoughts, the stage of an arhat; (8) 辟支佛地 pratyeka-buddhahood, only the dead ashes of the past left to sift; (9) 菩薩地 bodhisattvahood; (10) 佛地 Buddhahood. v. 智度論 78. II. 大乘菩薩十地 The ten stages of Mahāyāna bodhisattva development are: (1) 歡喜地 Pramuditā, joy at having overcome the former difficulties and now entering on the path to Buddhahood; (2) 離垢地 Vimalā, freedom from all possible defilement, the stage of purity; (3) 發光地 Prabhākarī, stage of further enlightenment; (4) 焰慧地 Arciṣmatī, of glowing wisdom; (5) 極難勝地 Sudurjayā, mastery of utmost or final difficulties; (6) 現前地 Abhimukhī, the open way of wisdom above definitions of impurity and purity; (7) 遠行地 Dūraṁgamā, proceeding afar, getting above ideas of self in order to save others; (8) 不動地 Acalā, attainment of calm unperturbedness; (9) 善慧地 Sādhumatī, of the finest discriminatory wisdom, knowing where and how to save, and possessed of the 十力 ten powers; (10) 法雲地 Dharmamegha, attaining to the fertilizing powers of the law-cloud. Each of the ten stages is connected with each of the ten pāramitās, v. 波. Each of the 四乘 or four vehicles has a division of ten. III. The 聲聞乘十地 ten Śrāvaka stages are: (1) 受三歸地 initiation as a disciple by receiving the three refuges, in the Buddha, Dharma, and Saṅgha; (2) 信地 belief, or the faith-root; (3) 信法地 belief in the four truths; (4) 内凡夫地 ordinary disciples who observe the 五停心觀, etc.; (5) 學信戒 those who pursue the 三學 three studies; (6) 八人忍地 the stage of 見道 seeing the true Way; (7) 須陀洹地 śrota-āpanna, now definitely in the stream and assured of nirvāṇa; (8) 斯陀含地 sakrdāgāmin, only one more rebirth; (9) 阿那含地 anāgāmin, no rebirth; and (10) 阿羅漢地 arhatship. IV. The ten stages of the pratyekabuddha 緣覺乘十地 are (1) perfect asceticism; (2) mastery of the twelve links of causation; (3) of the four noble truths; (4) of the deeper knowledge; (5) of the eightfold noble path; (6) of the three realms 三法界; (7) of the nirvāṇa state; (8) of the six supernatural powers; (9) arrival at the intuitive stage; (10) mastery of the remaining influence of former habits. V. 佛乘十地 The ten stages, or characteristics of a Buddha, are those of the sovereign or perfect attainment of wisdom, exposition, discrimination, māra-subjugation, suppression of evil, the six transcendent faculties, manifestation of all bodhisattva enlightenment, powers of prediction, of adaptability, of powers to reveal the bodhisattva Truth. VI. The Shingon has its own elaborate ten stages, and also a group 十地十心, see 十心; and there are other groups.


see styles
 hanzou / hanzo
    hanizou / hanizo
    hanisou / haniso
    hazou / hazo
    hasou / haso
(out-dated or obsolete kana usage) (1) teapot-like object made typically of lacquerware and used to pour hot and cold liquids; (2) basin of water with two handles on either side used for washing one's face or hands; (1) wide-mouthed ceramic vessel having a small hole in its spherical base (into which bamboo was probably inserted to pour liquids); (2) teapot-like object made typically of lacquerware and used to pour hot and cold liquids


see styles
(n,vs,vi) leaving a (school) club (upon graduation)



see styles
zú yè
    zu2 ye4
tsu yeh
 sotsugyou / sotsugyo
to complete a course of study (old); to graduate
(n,vs,vi) (1) graduation; completion (of a course); (n,vs,vi) (2) moving on (from); outgrowing (something); (n,vs,vi) (3) leaving (a group, company, etc.); quitting


see styles
(n,vs,vi) leaving a school club (upon graduation)


see styles
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) (See 単発銃・たんぱつじゅう) firing one shot at a time; single-shot gun; (noun - becomes adjective with の) (2) (See 単発機・たんぱつき) having only one engine; single-engined aeroplane; single-engined airplane; (noun - becomes adjective with の) (3) one-shot (e.g. story); non-serial; one-off; single occasion


see styles
 senryou / senryo
(noun, transitive verb) (1) occupying; having (an area) all to oneself; (noun, transitive verb) (2) military occupation; possession; capture; seizure


see styles
 intou / into
seal-engraving knife


see styles
(noun, transitive verb) (1) engraving a seal; (noun, transitive verb) (2) inscribing (words, symbols, etc.); engraving


see styles
thread for weaving


see styles
qù jiù
    qu4 jiu4
ch`ü chiu
    chü chiu
 kyoshuu / kyoshu
(1) leaving or staying; (2) (one's) course of action; (one's) position; (one's) attitude
a course of action


see styles
 kyokou / kyoko
(noun/participle) leaving school (due to transfer)


see styles
 soukyoku / sokyoku
(can act as adjective) having two poles; bipolar


see styles
(n,vs,vt,vi) having a medical examination; seeing a doctor


see styles
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) having a narrow mouth (of a bottle, etc.); (2) (See モツゴ) topmouth gudgeon (Pseudorasbora parva); (3) (feminine speech) (archaism) barracuda


see styles
kě qǔ
    ke3 qu3
k`o ch`ü
    ko chü
 ka shu
desirable; worth having; (of a suggestion etc) commendable; worthy
to be grasped


see styles
tóng děng
    tong2 deng3
t`ung teng
    tung teng
 doutou / doto
equal to; having the same social class or status
(adj-na,adj-no,n) equality; equal; same rights; same rank; equivalence



see styles
tóng yú
    tong2 yu2
t`ung yü
    tung yü
congruent (math.); having same residue modulo some number


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míng shì
    ming2 shi4
ming shih
 meishi / meshi
(old) a person of literary talent; a celebrity (esp. a distinguished literary person having no official post)
celebrity; personage


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chī shí
    chi1 shi2
ch`ih shih
    chih shih
(noun, transitive verb) eating; having a meal



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dān yì
    dan1 yi4
tan i
unambiguous; having only one meaning


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 shokubou / shokubo
(noun/participle) (having great) expectation; pinning one's hopes on


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sì fǎ
    si4 fa3
ssu fa
There are several groups of four dharma: (1) 教法 the teaching of the Buddha); 理法 its principles, or meaning; 行法 its practice; 果法 its fruits or rewards. (2) Another group relates to bodhisattvas, their never losing the bodhi-mind, or the wisdom attained, or perseverance in progress, or the monastic forest life (āraṇyaka). (3) Also 信解行證 faith, discernment, performance, and assurance. (4) The Pure-land 'True' sect of Japan has a division: 教法, i. e. the 大無量壽經; 行法 the practice of the seventeenth of Amitābha's vows; 信法 faith in the eighteenth; and 證法 proof of the eleventh. The most important work of Shinran, the founder of the sect, is these four, i. e. 教行信證. (5) A 'Lotus ' division of 四法 is the answer to a question of Puxian (Samantabhadra) how the Lotus is to be possessed after the Buddha's demise, i. e. by thought (or protection) of the Buddhas; the cultivation of virtue; entry into correct dhyāna; and having a mind to save all creatures.



see styles
sì zhòng
    si4 zhong4
ssu chung
 shishu; shishuu / shishu; shishu
    ししゅ; ししゅう
(1) four orders of Buddhist followers (monks, nuns, male lay devotees and female lay devotees); (2) four monastic communities (ordained monks, ordained nuns, male novices and female novices); (3) (in Tendai) the four assemblies
The four varga (groups, or orders), i. e. bhikṣu, bhikṣuṇī, upāsaka and upāsikā, monks, nuns, male and female devotees. Another group, according to Tiantai's commentary on the Lotus, is 發起衆 the assembly which, through Śāriputra, stirred the Buddha to begin his Lotus Sutra sermons; 當機衆 the pivotal assembly, those who were responsive to him; 影向衆 the reflection assembly, those like Mañjuśrī, etc., who reflected on, or drew out the Buddha's teaching; and 結緣衆 those who only profited in having seen and heard a Buddha, and therefore whose enlightenment is delayed to a future life.


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 konkyuu / konkyu
(n,vs,vi) (1) poverty; need; destitution; (n,vs,vi) (2) having great difficulty with; struggling greatly with; being in distress


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eating only one's favourite food; having an unvarying diet; eating poorly


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zài jiā
    zai4 jia1
tsai chia
 zaike; zaika
    ざいけ; ざいか
to be at home; (at a workplace) to be in (as opposed to being away on official business 出差[chu1chai1]); (Buddhism etc) to remain a layman (as opposed to becoming a monk or a nun 出家[chu1jia1])
(noun - becomes adjective with の) (1) (ざいけ only) {Buddh} (See 出家・2) layperson; layman; laywoman; laity; (2) country home; farmhouse; cottage; (place-name, surname) Zaike
At home, a layman or woman, not 出家, i. e. not leaving home as a monk or nun.


see styles
dì zàng
    di4 zang4
ti tsang
 jizou / jizo
Kṣitigarbha, the Bodhisattva of the Great Vow (to save all souls before accepting Bodhi); also translated Earth Treasury, Earth Womb, or Earth Store Bodhisattva
(surname) Jizou
Ti-tsang, J. Jizō, Kṣitigarbha, 乞叉底蘗沙; Earth-store, Earth-treasury, or Earthwomb. One of the group of eight Dhvani- Bodhisattvas. With hints of a feminine origin, he is now the guardian of the earth. Though associated with Yama as overlord, and with the dead and the hells, his role is that of saviour. Depicted with the alarum staff with its six rings, he is accredited with power over the hells and is devoted to the saving of all creatures between the nirvana of Śākyamuni and the advent of Maitreya the fifth century he has been especially considered as the deliverer from the hells. His central place in China is at Chiu-hua-shan, forty li south-west of Ch'ing-yang in Anhui. In Japan he is also the protector of travellers by land and his image accordingly appears on the roads; bereaved parents put stones by his images to seek his aid in relieving the labours of their dead in the task of piling stones on the banks of the Buddhist Styx; he also helps women in labour. He is described as holding a place between the gods and men on the one hand and the hells on the other for saving all in distress; some say he is an incarnation of Yama. At dawn he sits immobile on the earth 地 and meditates on the myriads of its beings 藏. When represented as a monk, it may be through the influence of a Korean monk who is considered to be his incarnation, and who came to China in 653 and died in 728 at the age of 99 after residing at Chiu-hua-shan for seventy-five years: his body, not decaying, is said to have been gilded over and became an object of worship. Many have confused 眞羅 part of Korea with 暹羅 Siam. There are other developments of Ti-tsang, such as the 六地藏 Six Ti-tsang, i. e. severally converting or transforming those in the hells, pretas, animals, asuras, men, and the devas; these six Ti-tsang have different images and symbols. Ti-tsang has also six messengers 六使者: Yama for transforming those in hell; the pearl-holder for pretas; the strong one or animals; the devīof mercy for asuras; the devī of the treasure for human beings; one who has charge of the heavens for the devas. There is also the 延命地藏 Yanming Ti-tsang, who controls length of days and who is approached, as also may be P'u-hsien, for that Purpose; his two assistants are the Supervisors of good and evil 掌善 and 掌惡. Under another form, as 勝軍地藏 Ti-tsang is chiefly associated with the esoteric cult. The benefits derived from his worship are many, some say ten, others say twenty-eight. His vows are contained in the 地藏菩薩本願經. There is also the 大乘大集地藏十電經 tr. by Xuanzang in 10 juan in the seventh century, which probably influenced the spread of the Ti-tsang cult.


see styles
chuí xián
    chui2 xian2
ch`ui hsien
    chui hsien
 suizen; suien; suisen(ok)
    すいぜん; すいえん; すいせん(ok)
to water at the mouth; to drool
(n,vs,vi) (1) avid desire; craving; thirst; envy; (n,vs,vi) (2) (orig. meaning) watering at the mouth; drooling


see styles
chuí jī
    chui2 ji1
ch`ui chi
    chui chi
 suijaku; suishaku
    すいじゃく; すいしゃく
{Buddh} manifested form (of a Buddha or Shinto deity to save people); temporary manifestation
Traces, vestiges; manifestations or incarnations of Buddhas and bodhisattvas in their work of saving the living.


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 maizou / maizo
(noun, transitive verb) (1) burying in the ground; (noun, transitive verb) (2) having underground deposits


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kān néng
    kan1 neng2
k`an neng
    kan neng
(ateji / phonetic) (noun or adjectival noun) (1) proficient; skillful; (noun/participle) (2) enjoying; satisfaction; satiation; having one's fill (of); (noun or adjectival noun) (1) proficient; skillful; (noun or adjectival noun) (2) (Buddhist term) patience; perseverance; fortitude
Ability to bear, or undertake.

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "Avin" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary