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There are 198 total results for your Reward search. I have created 2 pages of results for you. Each page contains 100 results...

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 rei / re

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(1) (See お礼・1) thanks; gratitude; (2) manners; etiquette; (n,ctr) (3) bow (i.e. bending of the body); bowing; (4) reward; gift; (5) ceremony; ritual; (6) (abbreviation) (See 礼金・2) key money; (personal name) Reiji


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good fortune; official salary
(out-dated kanji) stipend; reward

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stipend; reward; (given name) Roku


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bù shī
    bu4 shi1
pu shih

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Dana: Almsgiving and Generosity
Dana (Buddhist practice of giving)
(n,vs,vi) (1) {Buddh} alms-giving; charity; (n,vs,vi) (2) {Buddh} offerings (usu. money) to a priest (for reading sutras, etc.); (surname) Fuho
dāna 檀那; the sixth pāramitā, almsgiving, i. e. of goods, or the doctrine, with resultant benefits now and also hereafter in the forms of reincarnation, as neglect or refusal will produce the opposite consequences. The 二種布施 two kinds of dāna are the pure, or unsullied charity, which looks for no reward here but only hereafter; and the sullied almsgiving whose object is personal benefit. The three kinds of dāna are goods, the doctrine, and courage, or fearlessness. The four kinds are pens to write the sutras, ink, the sutras themselves, and preaching. The five kinds are giving to those who have come from a distance, those who are going to a distance, the sick, the hungry, those wise in the doctrine. The seven kinds are giving to visitors, travellers, the sick, their nurses, monasteries, endowments for the sustenance of monks or nuns, and clothing and food according to season. The eight kinds are giving to those who come for aid, giving for fear (of evil), return for kindness received, anticipating gifts in return, continuing the parental example of giving, giving in hope of rebirth in a particular heaven, in hope of an honoured name, for the adornment of the heart and life. 倶舍論 18.



see styles
bào chou
    bao4 chou5
pao ch`ou
    pao chou
 houshuu / hoshu
reward; remuneration
remuneration; recompense; reward; toll



see styles
xuán shǎng
    xuan2 shang3
hsüan shang
 kenshou / kensho
to offer a reward; bounty
offering a prize; prize competition; prize; reward



see styles
shǎng fá
    shang3 fa2
shang fa
 shoubatsu / shobatsu
reward and punishment
reward and punishment
reward and punishment



see styles
zhòng shǎng
    zhong4 shang3
chung shang
 juushou; choushou / jusho; chosho
    じゅうしょう; ちょうしょう
ample reward; to reward generously
(1) (See 重賞レース) large prize (e.g. in horse racing); (2) generous reward

see styles
to toil; labor; laborer; to put sb to trouble (of doing something); meritorious deed; to console (Taiwan pr. [lao4] for this sense)
Toil, labour, trouble; to reward.

see styles
 hou / ho
to announce; to inform; report; newspaper; recompense; revenge; CL:份[fen4],張|张[zhang1]
(n,n-suf) (1) information; news; report; (2) (obsolete) reward; retribution; (given name) Mitsugi
Recompense, retribution, reward, punishment, tell.

see styles

money; coins; currency; silk
(archaism) reward; present; gift; offering to the gods; (personal name) Minematsu

see styles
 kanoe; kou / kanoe; ko
    かのえ; こう
age; seventh of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干[shi2 tian1 gan1]; seventh in order; letter "G" or Roman "VII" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc; ancient Chinese compass point: 255°; hepta
7th in rank; seventh sign of the Chinese calendar; (surname, given name) Kō
Age; change; west; to reward; the seventh of the ten celestial stems.

see styles
fruit; result; resolute; indeed; if really
(1) {Buddh} (See 因・2) phala (attained state, result); (2) {Buddh} (See 悟り・2) enlightenment (as the fruits of one's Buddhist practice); (3) (See 果物) fruit; (counter) (4) counter for pieces of fruit; (male given name) Minoru
phala, 頗羅 fruit; offspring; result, consequence, effect; reward, retribution; it contrasts with cause, i. e. 因果 cause and effect. The effect by causing a further effect becomes also a cause.

see styles
to reward or comfort with presents of food, drink etc

see styles

to promote; to reward

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 shou / sho
to bestow (a reward); to give (to an inferior); to hand down; a reward (bestowed by a superior); to appreciate (beauty)
(n,n-suf) prize; award; (given name) Masaru
to reward, award

see styles
to entertain; to repay; to return; to reward; to compensate; to reply; to answer
(personal name) Munekata
Pledge, toast, requite.

see styles
to confer; to bestow on an inferior; to reward


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 orei / ore
(1) (polite language) thanks; gratitude; (2) (polite language) manners; etiquette; (3) (polite language) bow; (4) (polite language) reward; gift; (5) (polite language) ceremony; ritual



see styles
sān jiān
    san1 jian1
san chien
The three sure or certain things are 身, 命 and 財, i.e. the reward of the true disciple is an infinite body or personality, an endless life, and boundless (spiritual) possessions, 無極之身, 無窮之命, 無盡之財, v. 能摩經:菩薩品.


see styles
sān shēng
    san1 sheng1
san sheng
(surname, given name) Mitsuo
The three births, or reincarnations, past, present, future. Tiantai has (a) 種 planting the seed; (b) 熟 ripening; (c) 脫 liberating, stripping, or harvesting, i.e. beginning, development, and reward of bodhi, a process either gradual or instantaneous. Huayan has (a) 見聞生 a past life of seeing and hearing Buddha-truth; (b) 解行生 liberation in the present life; (c) 證入生 realization of life in Buddhahood. This is also called 三生成佛, Buddhahood in the course of three lives. There is also a definition of three rebirths as the shortest term for arhatship, sixty kalpas being the longest. There are other definitions.


see styles
sān shēn
    san1 shen1
san shen
 sanjin; sanshin
    さんじん; さんしん
{Buddh} trikaya (three bodies of the Buddha); (surname) Sanmi
trikāya. 三寶身 The threefold body or nature of a Buddha, i.e. the 法, 報, and 化身, or dharmakāya, sambhogakāya, and nirmāṇakāya. The three are defined as 自性, 受用, and 變化, the Buddha-body per se, or in its essential nature; his body of bliss, which he "receives" for his own "use" and enjoyment; and his body of transformation, by which he can appear in any form; i.e. spiritual, or essential; glorified; revealed. While the doctrine of the trikāya is a Mahāyāna concept, it partly results from the Hīnayāna idealization of the earthly Buddha with his thirty-two signs, eighty physical marks, clairvoyance, clairaudience, holiness, purity, wisdom, pity, etc. Mahāyāna, however, proceeded to conceive of Buddha as the Universal, the All, with infinity of forms, yet above all our concepts of unity or diversity. To every Buddha Mahāyāna attributed a three-fold body: that of essential Buddha; that of joy or enjoyment of the fruits of his past saving labours; that of power to transform himself at will to any shape for omnipresent salvation of those who need him. The trinity finds different methods of expression, e.g. Vairocana is entitled 法身, the embodiment of the Law, shining everywhere, enlightening all; Locana is 報身; c.f. 三賓, the embodiment of purity and bliss; Śākyamuni is 化身 or Buddha revealed. In the esoteric sect they are 法 Vairocana, 報 Amitābha, and 化 Śākyamuni. The 三賓 are also 法 dharma, 報 saṅgha, 化 buddha. Nevertheless, the three are considered as a trinity, the three being essentially one, each in the other. (1) 法身 Dharmakāya in its earliest conception was that of the body of the dharma, or truth, as preached by Śākyamuni; later it became his mind or soul in contrast with his material body. In Mādhyamika, the dharmakāya was the only reality, i.e. the void, or the immateria1, the ground of all phenomena; in other words, the 眞如 the tathāgatagarbha, the bhūtatathatā. According to the Huayan (Kegon) School it is the 理or noumenon, while the other two are氣or phenomenal aspects. "For the Vijñānavāda... the body of the law as highest reality is the void intelligence, whose infection (saṃkleҫa) results in the process of birth and death, whilst its purification brings about Nirvāṇa, or its restoration to its primitive transparence" (Keith). The "body of the law is the true reality of everything". Nevertheless, in Mahāyāna every Buddha has his own 法身; e.g. in the dharmakāya aspect we have the designation Amitābha, who in his saṃbhogakāya aspect is styled Amitāyus. (2) 報身Sambhogakāya, a Buddha's reward body, or body of enjoyment of the merits he attained as a bodhisattva; in other words, a Buddha in glory in his heaven. This is the form of Buddha as an object of worship. It is defined in two aspects, (a) 自受用身 for his own bliss, and (b) 他受用身 for the sake of others, revealing himself in his glory to bodhisattvas, enlightening and inspiring them. By wisdom a Buddha's dharmakāya is attained, by bodhisattva-merits his saṃbhogakāya. Not only has every Buddha all the three bodies or aspects, but as all men are of the same essence, or nature, as Buddhas, they are therefore potential Buddhas and are in and of the trikāya. Moreover, trikāya is not divided, for a Buddha in his 化身 is still one with his 法身 and 報身, all three bodies being co-existent. (3) 化身; 應身; 應化身 nirmāṇakāya, a Buddha's transformation, or miraculous body, in which he appears at will and in any form outside his heaven, e.g. as Śākyamuni among men.



see styles
èr bào
    er4 bao4
erh pao
The dual reward. (1) 依報 or 依果 The material environment on which a person depends, resulting from former karma, e.g. country, house, property, etc. (2) 正報 or 正果 his direct reward, i. e. his body, or person.


see styles
wǔ shèng
    wu3 sheng4
wu sheng
The five vehicles conveying to the karma reward which differs according to the vehicle: they are generally summed up as (1) 入乘 rebirth among men conveyed by observing the five commandments; (2) 天乘 among the devas by the ten forms of good action; (3) 聲聞乘 among the śrāvakas by the four noble truths; (4) 緣覺乘 among pratyekabuddhas by the twelve nidānas; (5) 菩薩乘 among the Buddhas and bodhisattvas by the six pāramitās 六度 q. v. Another division is the various vehicles of bodhisattvas; pratyekabuddhas; śrāvakas; general; and devas-and-men. Another is Hīnayāna Buddha, pratyekabuddhas, śrāvakas, the gods of the Brahma heavens, and those of the desire-realm. Another is Hīnayāna ordinary disciples: śrāvakas: pratyekabuddhas; bodhisattvas; and the one all-inclusive vehicle. And a sixth, of Tiantai, is for men; devas; śrāvakas-cum-pratyekabuddhas; bodhisattvas: and the Buddha-vehicle. The esoteric cult has: men, corresponding with earth; devas, with water: śrāvakas, with fire: pratyekabuddhas, with wind; and bodhisattvas, with 空 the 'void'.


see styles
fó tǔ
    fo2 tu3
fo t`u
    fo tu
buddhakṣetra. 佛國; 紇差怛羅; 差多羅; 刹怛利耶; 佛刹 The land or realm of a Buddha. The land of the Buddha's birth, India. A Buddha-realm in process of transformation, or transformed. A spiritual Buddha-realm. The Tiantai Sect evolved the idea of four spheres: (1) 同居之國土 Where common beings and saints dwell together, divided into (a) a realm where all beings are subject to transmigration and (b) the Pure Land. (2) 方便有餘土 or 變易土 The sphere where beings are still subject to higher forms of transmigration, the abode of Hīnayāna saints, i.e. srota-āpanna 須陀洹; sakṛdāgāmin 斯陀含; anāgāmin 阿那含; arhat 阿羅漢. (3) 實報無障礙 Final unlimited reward, the Bodhisattva realm. (4) 常寂光土 Where permanent tranquility and enlightenment reign, Buddha-parinirvāṇa.



see styles
yī bào
    yi1 bao4
i pao
 ehou / eho
{Buddh} (See 正報) circumstantial retribution; circumstances (e.g. geographical, societal) one is born into because of karma in previous lives
v. 依正.


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 yuushou / yusho
(form) high praise; hearty applause; cordial commendation; special reward; grand prize



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bā zhǒng
    ba1 zhong3
pa chung
(place-name) Yagusa
(布) 施 Eight causes of giving―convenience; fear; gratitude; reward-seeking; traditional (or customary); hoping for heaven; name and fame; personal virtue.



see styles
gòng bào
    gong4 bao4
kung pao
Collective retribution; reward or punishment of the community, or in common, for the 共業 deeds of the community, or even of the individual in their effects on the community.



see styles
bié bào
    bie2 bao4
pieh pao
 beppou / beppo
another report
Differentiated rewards according to previous deeds, i.e. the differing conditions of people in this life resulting from their previous lives.


see styles
(1) {Buddh} merit; virtuous deed; act of merit; act of charity; (2) {Buddh} divine reward (for virtuous deeds); grace (of the buddhas and gods); blessing; (3) {Christn} merit; meritum; (personal name) Kōtoku


see styles
gōng dé
    gong1 de2
kung te
achievements and virtue
Virtue achieved; achievement; power to do meritorious works; merit; meritorious virtue; the reward of virtue; a name for 弗若多羅 Puṇyatara, one of the twenty-four 天尊 deva aryas, worshipped in China.


see styles
(transitive verb) (kana only) to thank for; to reward for



see styles
shèng bào
    sheng4 bao4
sheng pao
news of a victory
superior reward (for good karma)



see styles
shí lái
    shi2 lai2
shih lai
(female given name) Torai
(十來偈) The ten rhymes in "lai", a verse which expresses the Buddhist doctrine of moral determinism, i.e. that the position anyone now occupies is solely the result of his character in past lives; heredity and environment having nothing to do with his present condition, for, whether in prince or beggar, it is the reward of past deeds. The upright from the forbearing come,
The poor from the mean and greedy come,
Those of high rank from worshippers come,
The low and common from the Prideful come,
Those who are dumb from slanderers come,
The blind and deaf from unbelievers come,
The long-lived from the merciful come,
The short-lived from life, takers come,
The deficient in faculties from command-breakers come,
The complete in faculties from command-keepers come.


see styles
shí jìng
    shi2 jing4
shih ching
Ten objects of or stages in meditation觀 in the Tiantai school, i.e. 陰境 the five skandhas; 煩惱境 life's distresses and delusion; 病患境 sickness, or duḥkha, its cause and cure; 業相境 age-long karmaic influences; 魔事境 Māra affairs, how to overthrow their rule; 禪定境 the conditions of dhyāna and samādhi; 諸見境 various views and doubts that arise; 慢境 pride in progress and the delusion that one has attained nirvāṇa; 二乘境 temptation to be content with the lower nirvāṇa, instead of going on to the greater reward; 菩薩境 bodhisattvahood; see the 止觀 5.



see styles
hòu bào
    hou4 bao4
hou pao
generous reward



see styles
hòu cì
    hou4 ci4
hou tz`u
    hou tzu
to reward generously; generous gift


see styles
shòu zhě
    shou4 zhe3
shou che
A recipient (e. g. of the rules). The illusory view that the ego will receive reward or punishment in a future life, one of the sixteen false views.


see styles
shàn yīn
    shan4 yin1
shan yin
(Buddhism) good karma
{Buddh} (ant: 悪因) good cause (that will bring a good reward); good deed
Good causation, i.e. a good cause for a good effect.


see styles
sì tǔ
    si4 tu3
ssu t`u
    ssu tu
{Buddh} four realms (in Tendai Buddhism or Yogacara)
The four Buddha-kṣetra, or realms, of Tiantai: (1) 凡聖居同土 Realms where all classes dwell— men, devas, Buddhas, disciples, non-disciples; it has two divisions, the impure, e. g. this world, and the pure, e. g. the 'Western' pure-land. (2) 方便有餘土 Temporary realms, where the occupants have got rid of the evils of 見思 unenlightened views and thoughts, but still have to be reborn. (3) 實報無障礙土 Realms of permanent reward and freedom, for those who have attained bodhisattva rank. (4) 常寂光土 Realm of eternal rest and light (i. e. wisdom) and of eternal spirit (dharmakāya), the abode of Buddhas; but in reality all the others are included in this, and are only separated for convenience, sake.


see styles
tǔ chǎo
    tu3 chao3
t`u ch`ao
    tu chao
Aśoka is said to have become king as a reward for offering, when a child in a previous incarnation, a double-handful of sand as wheat or food to the Buddha.


see styles
reward; recompense; return; punishment; retribution


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 mukuu / muku
(transitive verb) to reward; to recompense; to repay


see styles
(v2y-k,vt) (archaism) to reward; to recompense; to repay



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bào fó
    bao4 fo2
pao fo
To thank the Buddha; also idem報身.



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bào mìng
    bao4 ming4
pao ming
The life of reward or punishment for former deeds.



see styles
bào tǔ
    bao4 tu3
pao t`u
    pao tu
 houdo / hodo
{Buddh} (See 浄土・1) pure land; paradise
The land of reward, the Pure Land.


see styles
 houshou / hosho
(noun, transitive verb) bonus; bounty; reward; compensation



see styles
bào yìng
    bao4 ying4
pao ying
(Buddhism) divine retribution; karma
Recompense, reward, punishment; also the 報身 and 應身 q.v.



see styles
bào guǒ
    bao4 guo3
pao kuo
The reward-fruit, or consequences of past deeds.



see styles
bào shēn
    bao4 shen1
pao shen
 houjin; houshin / hojin; hoshin
    ほうじん; ほうしん
{Buddh} (See 三身) sambhogakaya (reward body, form taken by a buddha after completing its role as a bodhisattva)
Reward body, the saṃbhoga-kāya of a Buddha, in which he enjoys the reward of his labours, v. 三身 trikāya.


see styles
tiān yǎn
    tian1 yan3
t`ien yen
    tien yen
 tengen; tengan
    てんげん; てんがん
nickname of the FAST radio telescope (in Guizhou)
(1) {Buddh} (See 五眼) the heavenly eye; (2) (てんがん only) (rare) rolling back one's eyes during convulsions; (given name) Tengan
divyacakṣṣus. The deva-eye; the first abhijñā, v. 六通; one of the five classes of eyes; divine sight, unlimited vision; all things are open to it, large and small, near and distant, the destiny of all beings in future rebirths. It may be obtained among men by their human eyes through the practice of meditation 修得: and as a reward or natural possession by those born in the deva heavens 報得. Cf 天耳, etc.


see styles
miào tǔ
    miao4 tu3
miao t`u
    miao tu
The wonderful land; a Buddha's reward-land; especially the Western Paradise of Amitābha.



see styles
shí bào
    shi2 bao4
shih pao
true reward



see styles
guǎng guǒ
    guang3 guo3
kuang kuo
extensive reward


see styles
yǐn guǒ
    yin3 guo3
yin kuo
The stage of fruition, i. e. reward or punishment in the genus, as contrasted with 滿引 the differentiated species or stages, e. g. for each organ, or variety of condition. 唯識論 2.


see styles
 onrei / onre
    orei / ore
(1) (polite language) thanks; gratitude; (2) (polite language) manners; etiquette; (3) (polite language) bow; (4) (polite language) reward; gift; (5) (polite language) ceremony; ritual



see styles
dé bào
    de2 bao4
te pao
blessed reward



see styles
ēn bào
    en1 bao4
en pao


see styles
 onshou / onsho



see styles
huì bào
    hui4 bao4
hui pao
to reward



see styles
yìng guǒ
    ying4 guo3
ying kuo
arhat-fruit, the reward of arhatship.



see styles
dǎ shǎng
    da3 shang3
ta shang
to reward; to tip; to give a gratuity



see styles
shōu huò
    shou1 huo4
shou huo
to harvest; to reap; to gain; crop; harvest; profit; gain; bonus; reward


see styles
guǒ wèi
    guo3 wei4
kuo wei
The stage of attainment, or reward as contrasted with the cause-stage, i. e. the deed.


see styles
guǒ fēn
    guo3 fen1
kuo fen
 ka bun
The reward, e. g. of ineffable nirvāṇa, or dharmakāya.


see styles
guǒ míng
    guo3 ming2
kuo ming
(female given name) Kana
果號 Attamentment-name, or reward-name or title, i. e. of every Buddha, indicating his enlightenment.



see styles
guǒ mǎn
    guo3 man3
kuo man
The full or complete fruition of merit; perfect reward.


see styles
guǒ xiàng
    guo3 xiang4
kuo hsiang
 ka sō
Reward, retribution, or effect; especially as one of the three forms of the ālaya-vijñāna.



see styles
guǒ tóu
    guo3 tou2
kuo t`ou
    kuo tou
The condition of retribution, especially the reward of bodhi or enlightenment, idem 果上, hence 果頭佛 is he who has attained the Buddha-condition, a Tiantai term.



see styles
yè bào
    ye4 bao4
yeh pao
 gouhou / goho
karma effects; fate; inevitable retribution
Karma-reward; the retribution of karma, good or evil.



see styles
fǎ bào
    fa3 bao4
fa pao
dharma and reward



see styles
wú cháng
    wu2 chang2
wu ch`ang
    wu chang
 mushou / musho
free; no charge; at no cost
(adj-no,n) (1) without compensation; without reward; without pay; (adj-no,n) (2) (See 無料) free (of charge); (personal name) Mushou


see styles
(transitive verb) (kana only) to thank for; to reward for



see styles
kào láo
    kao4 lao2
k`ao lao
    kao lao
to reward with food and drink; to feast (sb); presents of food etc made to troops; Taiwan pr. [kao4 lao4]



see styles
kào shǎng
    kao4 shang3
k`ao shang
    kao shang
reward; to reward



see styles
jiǎng lì
    jiang3 li4
chiang li
to reward; reward (as encouragement)



see styles
jiǎng yì
    jiang3 yi4
chiang i
to reward and promote



see styles
jiǎng yè
    jiang3 ye4
chiang yeh
to reward and promote



see styles
jiǎng shǎng
    jiang3 shang3
chiang shang
reward; prize; award



see styles
jiǎng chóu
    jiang3 chou2
chiang ch`ou
    chiang chou
incentive; reward



see styles
bái bào
    bai2 bao4
pai pao
Pure reward, or the reward of a good life.


see styles
zhēn fó
    zhen1 fo2
chen fo
The real Buddha, i.e. the saṃbhogakāya, or reward body, in contrast to the nirmāṇakāya, or manifested body. Also the dharmakāya 法身 q.v.


see styles
 reikin / rekin
(1) money (given as thanks); reward money; fee; recompense; remuneration; honorarium; (2) key money; fee paid for rental rights



see styles
fú bào
    fu2 bao4
fu pao
karmic reward (Buddhism)
A blessed reward, e.g. to be reborn as a man or a deva.


see styles
fú guǒ
    fu2 guo3
fu kuo
(female given name) Fukuka
The reward of blessedness.



see styles
chán tóu
    chan2 tou2
ch`an t`ou
    chan tou
 tentou / tento
embroidered headband used as decoration by actors or in Hui ethnic group; to reward an actor with brocade headband
a tip


see styles
zuì fú
    zui4 fu2
tsui fu
Sinfulness and blessedness.


see styles
bó chóu
    bo2 chou2
po ch`ou
    po chou
small reward (for work); meager remuneration


see styles
xīn chóu
    xin1 chou2
hsin ch`ou
    hsin chou
pay; remuneration; salary; reward


see styles
hǔ zǐ
    hu3 zi3
hu tzu
 maru(gikun); koshi
    まる(gikun); こし
tiger cub; brave young man
(1) (archaism) (See おまる) bedpan; chamber pot; potty; (2) (こし only) (See 虎穴に入らずんば虎子を得ず) baby tiger; hard-earned reward; (female given name) Torako


see styles
 houbi / hobi
reward; prize


see styles
 houshou / hosho
(noun, transitive verb) prize; award; reward



see styles
tǎo hǎo
    tao3 hao3
t`ao hao
    tao hao
to get the desired outcome; to win favor by fawning on sb; to curry favor with; a fruitful outcome to reward one's labor



see styles
xǔ yuàn
    xu3 yuan4
hsü yüan
to make a wish; to make a vow; to promise a reward


see styles
 sharei / share
(n,vs,vi) reward; honorarium; remuneration


see styles
reward; monetary expression of thanks


see styles
 shouyo / shoyo
(1) (See ボーナス) bonus; (2) reward; prize


see styles
 shouten / shoten
prize; reward

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "Reward" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary