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sì dì
    si4 di4
ssu ti

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Four Noble Truths (Buddhism)
the Four Noble Truths (Budd.), covered by the acronym 苦集滅道|苦集灭道[ku3 ji2 mie4 dao4]: all life is suffering 苦[ku3], the cause of suffering is desire 集[ji2], emancipation comes only by eliminating passions 滅|灭[mie4], the way 道[dao4] to emancipation is the Eight-fold Noble Way 八正道[ba1 zheng4 dao4]
{Buddh} (See 苦集滅道) The Four Noble Truths
catvāri-ārya-satyāni; 四聖諦; 四眞諦. The four dogmas, or noble truths, the primary and fundamental doctrines of Śākyamuni, said to approximate to the form of medical diagnosis. They are pain or 'suffering, its cause, its ending, the way thereto; that existence is suffering, that human passion (taṇhā, 欲 desire) is the cause of continued suffering, that by the destruction of human passion existence may be brought to an end; that by a life of holiness the destruction of human passion may be attained'. Childers. The four are 苦, 聚 (or 集), 滅, and 道諦, i. e. duḥkha 豆佉, samudaya 三牟提耶, nirodha 尼棲陀, and mārga 末加. Eitel interprets them (1) 'that 'misery' is a necessary attribute of sentient existence'; (2) that 'the 'accumulation' of misery is caused by the passions'; (3) that 'the 'extinction' of passion is possible; (4) mārga is 'the doctrine of the 'path' that leads to the extinction of passion'. (1) 苦 suffering is the lot of the 六趣 six states of existence; (2) 集 is the aggregation (or exacerbation) of suffering by reason of the passions; (3) 滅 is nirvana, the extinction of desire and its consequences, and the leaving of the sufferings of mortality as void and extinct; (4) 道 is the way of such extinction, i. e. the 八正道 eightfold correct way. The first two are considered to be related to this life, the last two to 出世間 a life outside or apart from the world. The four are described as the fundamental doctrines first preached to his five former ascetic companions. Those who accepted these truths were in the stage of śrāvaka. There is much dispute as to the meaning of 滅 'extinction' as to whether it means extinction of suffering, of passion, or of existence. The Nirvana Sutra 18 says that whoever accepts the four dogmas will put an end to births and deaths 若能見四諦則得斷生死 which does not of necessity mean the termination of existence but that of continued transmigration. v. 滅.


see styles
shào lín
    shao4 lin2
shao lin

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the Shaolin monastery and martial arts school
(surname) Wakabayashi



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dà shèng wú shàng fǎ
    da4 sheng4 wu2 shang4 fa3
ta sheng wu shang fa
 daijō mujō hō

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The Supreme Mahayana Truth
The supreme Mahāyāna truth, according to the 楞伽經, is that of ultimate reality in contrast with the temporary and apparent; also reliance on the power of the vow of the bodhisattva.

see styles

(literary) (of soil) dry and hard; (used in place names)


see styles
(1) (See 九星) first of nine traditional astrological signs (corresponding to Mercury and north); (2) white patch on one foot of a horse; horse with such a patch; (3) surface (landscape) that is white all over; pure white; (given name) Kazushiro


see styles
qī qíng
    qi1 qing2
ch`i ch`ing
    chi ching
 shichijou / shichijo
seven emotional states; seven affects of traditional Chinese medical theory and therapy, namely: joy 喜[xi3], anger 怒[nu4], anxiety 憂|忧[you1], thought 思[si1], grief 悲[bei1], fear 恐[kong3], fright 驚|惊[jing1]; seven relations
(1) seven emotions (in The Book of Rites: joy, anger, sorrow, fear, love, hate, desire); seven emotions (in Buddhism: joy, anger, sorrow, pleasure, love, hate, desire); (2) seven effects (of a traditional Chinese medicine); (surname) Shichijō
The seven emotions : pleasure, anger, sorrow, joy, love, hate, desire.


see styles
 manyou; mannyou / manyo; mannyo
    まんよう; まんにょう
(1) (abbreviation) (See 万葉集) Man'yōshū (8th century anthology of Japanese poetry); (2) (archaism) thousands of leaves; (3) (archaism) thousands of years; all ages; eternity; (female given name) Mitsuyo


see styles
sān xiū
    san1 xiu1
san hsiu
 san shū
The three ways of discipline, i.e. three śrāvaka and three bodhisattva ways. The three śrāvaka ways are 無常修 no realization of the eternal, seeing everything as transient; 非樂修 joyless, through only contemplating misery and not realizing the ultimate nirvāṇa-joy; 無我修 non-ego discipline, seeing only the perishing self and not realizing the immortal self. The bodhisattva three are the opposite of these.


see styles
zhǔ kè
    zhu3 ke4
chu k`o
    chu ko
 shukaku; shukyaku
    しゅかく; しゅきゃく
(1) host and guest; (2) the principal and the auxiliary; the principal and the subsidiary; the primary and the subordinate; (3) {phil} subject and object; (4) {gramm} subject and object
host and guest



see styles
zhǔ cóng
    zhu3 cong2
chu ts`ung
    chu tsung
master-slave (computing); client-server (computing); primary and secondary


see styles
zhǔ cì
    zhu3 ci4
chu tz`u
    chu tzu
the important and the less important; primary and secondary



see styles
gān sè
    gan1 se4
kan se
dry and rough (skin); hoarse (voice); dry and heavy (style)



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gān shuǎng
    gan1 shuang3
kan shuang
dry and clean; clear and fresh


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(noun, transitive verb) (1) advance notice; previous note; preliminary announcement; (2) (abbreviation) (See 予告編) trailer (film, TV); preview


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èr shàn
    er4 shan4
erh shan
(surname) Futayoshi
The two good things, 定善 the good character that arises from meditation or contemplation mdash especially of the Pure Land; 散善 the good character attainable when, though not in meditation, one controls oneself in thought, word, and deed;. Also 未生善 the good character not yet evolved; and 已生善 the good character already evolved;. Also 事理善 goodness in theory and practice.


see styles
èr jiào
    er4 jiao4
erh chiao
Dual division of the Buddha's teaching. There are various definitions: (1) Tiantai has (a) 顯教 exoteric or public teaching to the visible audience, and (b) 密教 at the same time esoteric teaching to an audience invisible to the other assembly. (2) The 眞言 Shingon School by "exoteric" means all the Buddha's preaching, save that of the 大日經 which it counts esoteric. (3) (a) 漸教 and (b) 頓教 graduated and immediate teaching, terms with various uses, e.g. salvation by works Hīnayāna, and by faith, Mahāyāna, etc.; they are applied to the Buddha's method, to the receptivity of hearers and to the teaching itself. (4) Tiantai has (a) 界内教 and (b) 界外教 teachings relating to the 三界 or realms of mortality and teachings relating to immortal realms. (5) (a) 半字教 and (b) 滿字教 Terms used in the Nirvāṇa sūtra, meaning incomplete word, or letter, teaching and complete word teaching, i.e. partial and complete, likened to Hīnayāna and Mahāyāna. (6) (a) 捃收教 and (b) 扶律談常教 of the Nirvāṇa sūtra, (a) completing those who failed to hear the Lotus; (b) "supporting the law, while discoursing on immortality," i.e. that the keeping of the law is also necessary to salvation. (7) Tiantai's division of (a) 偏教 and (b) 圓教 the partial teaching of the 藏, 通, and schools as contrasted with the perfect teaching of the 圓 school. (8) Tiantai's division of (a) 構教 and (6) 實教 temporary and permanent, similar to the last two. (9) (a) 世間教 The ordinary teaching of a moral life here; (b) 出世間教 the teaching of Buddha-truth of other-worldly happiness in escape from mortality. (10) (a) 了義教 the Mahāyāna perfect or complete teaching, and (b) 不了義教 Hīnayāna incompleteness. (11) The Huayan division of (a) 屈曲教 indirect or uneven teaching as in the Lotus and Nirvāṇa sūtras, and (b) 平道教 direct or levelled up teaching as in the Huayan sūtra. (12) The Huayan division of (a) 化教 all the Buddha's teaching for conversion and general instruction, and (b) 制教 his rules and commandments for the control and development of his order.


see styles
complementary angle



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bā huì
    ba1 hui4
pa hui
Eight things unclean to a monk: buying land for self, not for Buddha or the fraternity; ditto cultivating; ditto laying by or storing up; ditto keeping servants (or slaves); keeping animals (for slaughter); treasuring up gold, etc.; ivory and ornaments; utensils for private use.


see styles
 gouoku / gooku
bravery and cowardice


see styles
history and biography; historical material


see styles
sì xìng
    si4 xing4
ssu hsing
 shisei / shise
(1) the four great families of the age (esp. the Minamoto clan, the Taira clan, the Fujiwara clan and the Tachibana clan); (2) (See ヴァルナ) varna (each of the four Hindu castes)
The four Indian 'clans' or castes— brāhmaṇa, kṣatriya, vaiśya, and śūdra, i. e. (1) priestly, (2) military and ruling, (3) farmers and traders, and (4) serfs; born respectively from the mouth, shoulders, flanks, and feet of Brahma.



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yīn yè
    yin1 ye4
yin yeh
 ingou / ingo
(noun or adjectival noun) heartless; cruel; causes and actions; results of actions in previous life
The work, or operation, of cause, or causes, i. e. the co-operation of direct and indirect causes, of primary and environmental causes.


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dà yú
    da4 yu2
ta yü
idiot; ignorant fool
great folly or fool
The "greatly ignorant", name of a monastery and title of its patriarch, of the Ch'an (Zen) or intuitive school.



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jiá shān
    jia2 shan1
chia shan
Name of a monastery and monk in 澧州 Lizhou under the Tang dynasty.



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shěn chǔ
    shen3 chu3
shen ch`u
    shen chu
to deliberate and decide; to try and punish; trial and execution



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xún sì
    xun2 si4
hsün ssu
vitarka and vicāra, two conditions in dhyāna discovery and analysis of principles; vitarka 毘擔迦 a dharma which tends to increase, and vicāra 毘遮羅one which tends to diminish, definiteness and clearness in the stream of consciousness; cf. 中間定.


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xiǎo shèng
    xiao3 sheng4
hsiao sheng
Hinayana, the Lesser Vehicle; Buddhism in India before the Mayahana sutras; also pr. [Xiao3 cheng2]
Hīnayāna 希那衍. The small, or inferior wain, or vehicle; the form of Buddhism which developed after Śākyamuni's death to about the beginning of the Christian era, when Mahāyāna doctrines were introduced. It is the orthodox school and more in direct line with the Buddhist succession than Mahāyānism which developed on lines fundamentally different. The Buddha was a spiritual doctor, less interested in philosophy than in the remedy for human misery and perpetual transmigration. He "turned aside from idle metaphysical speculations; if he held views on such topics, he deemed them valueless for the purposes of salvation, which was his goal" (Keith). Metaphysical speculations arose after his death, and naturally developed into a variety of Hīnayāna schools before and after the separation of a distinct school of Mahāyāna. Hīnayāna remains the form in Ceylon, Burma, and Siam, hence is known as Southern Buddhism in contrast with Northern Buddhism or Mahāyāna, the form chiefly prevalent from Nepal to Japan. Another rough division is that of Pali and Sanskrit, Pali being the general literary language of the surviving form of Hīnayāna, Sanskrit of Mahāyāna. The term Hīnayāna is of Mahāyānist origination to emphasize the universalism and altruism of Mahāyāna over the narrower personal salvation of its rival. According to Mahāyāna teaching its own aim is universal Buddhahood, which means the utmost development of wisdom and the perfect transformation of all the living in the future state; it declares that Hīnayāna, aiming at arhatship and pratyekabuddhahood, seeks the destruction of body and mind and extinction in nirvāṇa. For arhatship the 四諦Four Noble Truths are the foundation teaching, for pratyekabuddhahood the 十二因緣 twelve-nidānas, and these two are therefore sometimes styled the two vehicles 二乘. Tiantai sometimes calls them the (Hīnayāna) Tripiṭaka school. Three of the eighteen Hīnayāna schools were transported to China: 倶舍 (Abhidharma) Kośa; 成實 Satya-siddhi; and the school of Harivarman, the律 Vinaya school. These are described by Mahāyānists as the Buddha's adaptable way of meeting the questions and capacity of his hearers, though his own mind is spoken of as always being in the absolute Mahāyāna all-embracing realm. Such is the Mahāyāna view of Hīnayāna, and if the Vaipulya sūtras and special scriptures of their school, which are repudiated by Hīnayāna, are apocryphal, of which there seems no doubt, then Mahāyāna in condemning Hīnayāna must find other support for its claim to orthodoxy. The sūtras on which it chiefly relies, as regards the Buddha, have no authenticity; while those of Hīnayāna cannot be accepted as his veritable teaching in the absence of fundamental research. Hīnayāna is said to have first been divided into minority and majority sections immediately after the death of Śākyamuni, when the sthāvira, or older disciples, remained in what is spoken of as "the cave", some place at Rājagṛha, to settle the future of the order, and the general body of disciples remained outside; these two are the first 上坐部 and 大衆部 q. v. The first doctrinal division is reported to have taken place under the leadership of the monk 大天 Mahādeva (q.v.) a hundred years after the Buddha's nirvāṇa and during the reign of Aśoka; his reign, however, has been placed later than this by historians. Mahādeva's sect became the Mahāsāṅghikā, the other the Sthāvira. In time the two are said to have divided into eighteen, which with the two originals are the so-called "twenty sects" of Hīnayāna. Another division of four sects, referred to by Yijing, is that of the 大衆部 (Arya) Mahāsaṅghanikāya, 上座部 Āryasthavirāḥ, 根本說一切有部 Mūlasarvāstivādaḥ, and 正量部 Saṃmatīyāḥ. There is still another division of five sects, 五部律. For the eighteen Hīnayāna sects see 小乘十八部.


see styles
jiù zhèng
    jiu4 zheng4
chiu cheng
(literary and deferential) to solicit comments (on one's writing)
(personal name) Narumasa


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gōng shāng
    gong1 shang1
kung shang
industry and commerce



see styles
gōng kuàng
    gong1 kuang4
kung k`uang
    kung kuang
industry and mining


see styles
huàn gòu
    huan4 gou4
huan kou
Illusory and defiled, i. e. body and mind are alike illusion and unclean.


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 kyuuba / kyuba
archery and horsemanship; (surname) Yumima


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 gousatsu / gosatsu
(abbreviation) (See 強盗殺人) robbery and murder; murder during robbery



see styles
cóng liáng
    cong2 liang2
ts`ung liang
    tsung liang
(of a slave or servant) to be given one's freedom; (of a prostitute) to marry and leave one's trade


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niàn dìng
    nian4 ding4
nien ting
Correct memory and correct samādhi.


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tián yì
    tian2 yi4
t`ien i
    tien i
free from worry and disturbance



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nǎo hèn
    nao3 hen4
nao hen
to hate and resent; angry and full of grievances



see styles
xuán kuàng
    xuan2 kuang4
hsüan k`uang
    hsüan kuang
Hanging and widespread, e.g. sun and sky, the mystery and extensiveness (or all-embracing character of buddha-truth).


see styles
military history; military annals


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caltrop (spiked device scattered to maim infantry and horses); calthrop; caltrap


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wén wǔ
    wen2 wu3
wen wu
civil and military
literary and military arts; the pen and the sword; (personal name) Monmu


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wén shū
    wen2 shu1
wen shu
Manjushri, the Bodhisattva of keen awareness
(Buddhist term) Manjushri; Manjusri; Bodhisattva that represents transcendent wisdom; (p,s,f) Monju
(文殊師利) Mañjuśrī 滿殊尸利 -later 曼殊室利. 文殊 is also used for Mañjunātha, Mañjudeva, Mañjughoṣa, Mañjuṣvara, et al. T., hjamdpal; J., Monju. Origin unknown; presumably, like most Buddhas and bodhisattvas, an idealization of a particular quality, in his case of Wisdom. Mañju is beautiful, Śrī; good fortune, virtue, majesty, lord, an epithet of a god. Six definitions are obtained from various scriptures: 妙首 (or 頭 ) wonderful or beautiful) head; 普首 universal head; 濡首 glossy head (probably a transliteration); 敬首 revered head; 妙德 wonderful virtue (or power); 妙吉祥 wonderfully auspicious; the last is a later translation in the 西域記. As guardian of wisdom 智慧 he is often placed on Śākyamuni's left, with 普顯 on the right as guardian of law 理, the latter holding the Law, the former the wisdom or exposition of it; formerly they held the reverse positions. He is often represented with five curls or waves to his hair indicating the 五智 q. v. or the five peaks; his hand holds the sword of wisdom and he sits on a lion emblematic of its stern majesty: but he has other forms. He is represented as a youth, i. e. eternal youth. His present abode is given as east of the universe, known as 淸涼山 clear and cool mountain, or a region 寶住 precious abode, or Abode of Treasures, or 寶氏 from which he derives one of his titles, 寶相如來. One of his dhāraṇīs prophesies China as his post-nirvāṇa realm. In past incarnations he is described as being the parent of many Buddhas and as having assisted the Buddha into existence; his title was 龍種上佛 the supreme Buddha of the nāgas, also 大身佛 or 神仙佛; now his title is 歡喜藏摩尼寶精佛 The spiritual Buddha who joyfully cares for the jewel: and his future title is to be 普現佛 Buddha universally revealed. In the 序品 Introductory Chapter of the Lotus Sutra he is also described as the ninth predecessor or Buddha-ancestor of Śākyamuni. He is looked on as the chief of the Bodhisattvas and represents them, as the chief disciple of the Buddha, or as his son 法王子. Hīnayāna counts Śāriputra as the wisest of the disciples, Mahāyāna gives Mañjuśrī the chief place, hence he is also styled 覺母 mother, or begetter of understanding. He is shown riding on either a lion or a peacock, or sitting on a white lotus; often he holds a book, emblem of wisdom, or a blue lotus; in certain rooms of a monastery he is shown as a monk; and he appears in military array as defender of the faith. His signs, magic words, and so on, are found in various sutras. His most famous centre in China is Wu-tai shan in Shansi. where he is the object of pilgrimages, especially of Mongols. The legends about him are many. He takes the place in Buddhism of Viśvakarman as Vulcan, or architect, of the universe. He is one of the eight Dhyāni-bodhisattvas, and sometimes has the image of Akṣobhya in his crown. He was mentioned in China as early as the fourth century and in the Lotus Sutra he frequently appears, especially as the converter of the daughter of the Dragon-king of the Ocean. He has five messengers 五使者 and eight youths 八童子 attending on him. His hall in the Garbhadhātu maṇḍala is the seventh, in which his group numbers twenty-five. His position is northeast. There are numerous sutras and other works with his name as title, e. g. 文殊師利問菩提經 Gayaśīrṣa sūtra, tr. by Kumārajīva 384-417: and its 論 or .Tīkā of Vasubandhu, tr. by Bodhiruci 535. see list in B. N.



see styles
wén lián
    wen2 lian2
wen lien
abbr. for 中國文學藝術界聯合會|中国文学艺术界联合会, China Federation of Literary and Art Circles (CFLAC)


see styles
(1) daybreak sound of a crow; (2) (name of) poetry anthology


see styles
kū zào
    ku1 zao4
k`u tsao
    ku tsao
 kosou / koso
dry and dull; uninteresting; tedious
(noun/participle) drying up; parching
dried up



see styles
jià qiáo
    jia4 qiao2
chia ch`iao
    chia chiao
 kakyou / kakyo
to bridge; to put up a bridge
(n,vs,vt,vi) (1) bridge-building; bridge construction; (2) bridge; (n,vs,vt,vi) (3) bridging (e.g. the gap between theory and practice); (n,vs,vt,vi) (4) {chem} cross-linking


see styles
 sakuradai; sakuradai
    さくらだい; サクラダイ
(kana only) cherry anthias (Sacura margaritacea)



see styles
róng huá
    rong2 hua2
jung hua
glory and splendor
Glory, the glory of life, viewed as transient.


see styles
(1) machinery and materials; equipment; (2) materials for manufacturing machinery



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jī diàn
    ji1 dian4
chi tien
machinery and power-generating equipment; electromechanical



see styles
qì huài
    qi4 huai4
ch`i huai
    chi huai
furious; very angry


see styles
shuǐ yuè
    shui3 yue4
shui yüeh
(1) water and moon; (2) the Moon reflected on the water; (3) (See 水落・1) pit of the stomach; solar plexus; (female given name) Mizuki
udakacandra; jalacandra; the moon reflected in the water, i. e. all is illusory and unreal.


see styles
niè pán
    nie4 pan2
nieh p`an
    nieh pan
nirvana (Buddhism)
(1) {Buddh} nirvana; supreme enlightenment; (2) {Buddh} death; death of Buddha
nirvāṇa, 'blown out, gone out, put out, extinguished'; 'liberated-from existence'; 'dead, deceased, defunct.' 'Liberation, eternal bliss'; '(with Buddhists and Jainas) absolute extinction or annihilation, complete extinction of individual existence.' M.W. Other forms are 涅槃那; 泥日; 泥洹; 泥畔 Originally translated 滅 to extinguish, extinction, put out (as a lamp or fire), it was also described as 解脫 release, 寂滅 tranquil extinction; 無爲 inaction, without effort, passiveness; 不生 no (re)birth; 安樂 calm joy; 滅度transmigration to 'extinction'. The meaning given to 'extinction' varies, e.g. individual extinction; cessation of rebirth; annihilation of passion; extinction of all misery and entry into bliss. While the meaning of individual extinction is not without advocates, the general acceptation is the extinction or end of all return to reincarnation with its concomitant suffering, and the entry into bliss. Nirvāṇa may be enjoyed in the present life as an attainable state, with entry into parinirvāṇa, or perfect bliss to follow. It may be (a) with a 'remainder', i.e. the cause but not all the effect (karma), of reincarnation having been destroyed; (b) without 'remainder', both cause and effect having been extinguished. The answer of the Buddha as to the continued personal existence of the Tathāgata in nirvāṇa is, in the Hīnayāna canon, relegated 'to the sphere of the indeterminates' (Keith), as one of the questions which are not essential to salvation. One argument is that flame when blown out does not perish but returns to the totality of Fire. The Nirvāṇa Sutra claims for nirvāṇa the ancient ideas of 常樂我淨 permanence, bliss, personality purity in the transcendental realm. Mahāyāna declares that Hīnayāna by denying personality in the transcendental realm denies the existence of the Buddha. In Mahāyāna final nirvāṇa is transcendental, and is also used as a term for the absolute. The place where the Buddha entered his earthly nirvāṇa is given as Kuśinagara, cf. 拘.



see styles
qī mí
    qi1 mi2
ch`i mi
    chi mi
dreary and fuzzy (sight)


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huǒ dà
    huo3 da4
huo ta
to get mad; to be very angry
The element fire, one of the 四大 four elements.


see styles
huǒ biàn
    huo3 bian4
huo pien
Citrabhānu, 質呾羅婆拏 described as one of the ten great writers of the Indian 法相宗 Dharmalakṣana school, a contemporary and colleague of Vasubandhu; but the description is doubtful.


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bèi jiān
    bei4 jian1
pei chien
to dry and roast over a low fire (tea, chestnuts, seaweed etc); to torrefy
(noun, transitive verb) roasting (e.g. of coffee)


see styles
xuán shū
    xuan2 shu1
hsüan shu
The 玄義, a Tiantai commentary an the contents and meaning of the Lotus Sutra, and 疏 the critical commentary on the text.


see styles
qín chù
    qin2 chu4
ch`in ch`u
    chin chu
poultry and livestock



see styles
biān zhì
    bian1 zhi4
pien chih
 hensei / hense
to establish (a unit or department); staffing structure (excluding temporary and casual staff)
(noun, transitive verb) organization; organisation; forming



see styles
piān xiān
    pian1 xian1
p`ien hsien
    pien hsien
spry and lively (of dancing and movements)



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shēng dú
    sheng1 du2
sheng tu
聲緣 śrāvakas and pratyeka-buddhas, cf. next entry and 緣覺.



see styles
kǔ nǎo
    ku3 nao3
k`u nao
    ku nao
vexed; distressed
Misery and trouble; distress.


see styles
kǔ kōng
    ku3 kong1
k`u k`ung
    ku kung
Misery and unreality, pain and emptiness.



see styles
xīn xiǎng
    xin1 xiang3
hsin hsiang
(old) (military and police) pay; wages; (Tw) salary



see styles
máo zéi
    mao2 zei2
mao tsei
insect that damages cereal crop seedlings; (lit. and fig.) vermin; a person harmful to the country and the people



see styles
xiè huáng
    xie4 huang2
hsieh huang
the ovary and digestive glands of a female crab (eaten as a delicacy)



see styles
bǔ jiǎo
    bu3 jiao3
pu chiao
supplementary angle



see styles
xī yì
    xi1 yi4
hsi i
Western skills; in Qing times, refers to Western technology, esp. military and naval know-how



see styles
jì zhuàn
    ji4 zhuan4
chi chuan
history and biography



see styles
zhù shū
    zhu4 shu1
chu shu
commentary and subcommentary (of a book)
(detailed) commentary; notes; comments
Notes and comments.


see styles
 shishou / shisho
poetry and prose



see styles
shī wén
    shi1 wen2
shih wen
poetry and literature
poetry and prose; literature; literary works; (female given name) Shifumi



see styles
shī shū
    shi1 shu1
shih shu
the Book of Songs 詩經|诗经[Shi1 jing1] and the Book of History 書經|书经[Shu1 jing1]
(1) book of poetry; (2) The Classic of Poetry and The Classic of History (Chinese texts)



see styles
shī huà
    shi1 hua4
shih hua
poetry and pictorial art; work of art combining pictures and poetry


see styles
(See 詩・2,賦・3) (Chinese) poetry and rhymed prose



see styles
shī jí
    shi1 ji2
shih chi
 shishuu / shishu
poetry anthology
poetry anthology; collection of poems; collected poems; (female given name) Shizu



see styles
chǎn qǔ
    chan3 qu3
ch`an ch`ü
    chan chü
Flattery and fawning.



see styles
jun mín
    jun1 min2
chün min
army-civilian; military-masses; military-civilian
the military and civilians



see styles
jun jǐng
    jun1 jing3
chün ching
 gunkei / gunke
the military and the police; military alert (announcing the approach of the enemy)
(abbreviation) (See 軍警察) military police



see styles
zhuǎn jiāo
    zhuan3 jiao1
chuan chiao
to pass on to sb; to carry and give to sb else



see styles
cí zhāng
    ci2 zhang1
tz`u chang
    tzu chang
poetry and prose; rhetoric


see styles
jīn guāng
    jin1 guang1
chin kuang
 kinkou / kinko
(rare) golden light; (place-name, surname) Konkou
(金光明) Golden light, an intp. of suvarṇa, prabhāsa, or uttama. It is variously applied, e. g. 金光明女 Wife of 金天童子; 金光明鼓 Golden-light drum. 金光明經 Golden-light Sutra, tr. in the sixth century and twice later, used by the founder of Tiantai; it is given in its fullest form in the 金光明最勝王經 Suvarṇa-prabhāsa-uttamarāja Sutra.



see styles
tiě tuō
    tie3 tuo1
t`ieh t`o
    tieh to
Marshal Josip Broz Tito (1892-1980), Yugoslav military and communist political leader, president of Yugoslavia 1945-1980



see styles
cháng yè
    chang2 ye4
ch`ang yeh
    chang yeh
 chouya; jouya; nagayo / choya; joya; nagayo
    ちょうや; じょうや; ながよ
long dark night; fig. long period of misery and oppression
(n,adv) (1) (See 短夜) long night; (noun - becomes adjective with の) (2) (ちょうや, じょうや only) all night; (female given name) Nagayo
The whole night, the long night of mortality or transmigration.



see styles
mén jìn
    men2 jin4
men chin
restrictions on entry and exiting; control over access


see styles
táo yě
    tao2 ye3
t`ao yeh
    tao yeh
 touya / toya
lit. to fire pots and smelt metal; fig. to educate
(noun/participle) (1) training; education; cultivation; (noun/participle) (2) making pottery and casting metal; (personal name) Touya


see styles
táo cí
    tao2 ci2
t`ao tz`u
    tao tzu
pottery and porcelain; ceramics


see styles
cí xióng
    ci2 xiong2
tz`u hsiung
    tzu hsiung
 shiyuu / shiyu
male and female
(1) male and female (animals); the two sexes; (2) victory and defeat; strengths and weaknesses



see styles
yún mén
    yun2 men2
yün men
(personal name) Unmon
The Cloud-gate monastery in Guangdong, from which 文偃 Wenyan derived his title; his name was 張雪峯 Zhang Xuefeng; he lived early in the tenth century and founded the 雲門宗 (雲門禪宗), v. 三句.


see styles
fēi yú
    fei1 yu2
fei yü
An imaginary and not factual metaphor, one of the eight forms of comparison 八喩.


see styles
(kana only) true parrot (esp. small parrots such as the parakeet, lory and conure)



see styles
fēng wù
    feng1 wu4
feng wu
 fuubutsu / fubutsu
scenery; sights
(1) natural features; scenery; (2) things particular to a certain region or season; characteristic scenery and customs; scenes and manners



see styles
jī kě
    ji1 ke3
chi k`o
    chi ko
hungry and thirsty; (fig.) to crave (knowledge, love etc)



see styles
yú jiǎo
    yu2 jiao3
yü chiao
complementary angle (additional angle adding to 90 degrees)
See: 余角


see styles
(kana only) true parrot (esp. small parrots such as the parakeet, lory and conure)


see styles
 eru dii aaru; erudiiaaru(sk) / eru di aru; erudiaru(sk)
    エル・ディー・アール; エルディーアール(sk)
{med} labor, delivery and recovery; LDR


see styles
(1) daybreak sound of a crow; (2) (name of) poetry anthology; (personal name) Akegarasu


see styles
(kana only) true parrot (esp. small parrots such as the parakeet, lory and conure); (personal name) Ingo


see styles
 manyoushuu / manyoshu
Man'yoshu; 8th century anthology of Japanese poetry; Collection of Ten Thousand Leaves

Entries with 2nd row of characters: The 2nd row is Simplified Chinese.


This page contains 100 results for "Ry An" in Chinese and/or Japanese.

Information about this dictionary:

Apparently, we were the first ones who were crazy enough to think that western people might want a combined Chinese, Japanese, and Buddhist dictionary.

A lot of westerners can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese - and there is a reason for that. Chinese characters and even whole words were borrowed by Japan from the Chinese language in the 5th century. Much of the time, if a word or character is used in both languages, it will have the same or a similar meaning. However, this is not always true. Language evolves, and meanings independently change in each language.

Example: The Chinese character 湯 for soup (hot water) has come to mean bath (hot water) in Japanese. They have the same root meaning of "hot water", but a 湯屋 sign on a bathhouse in Japan would lead a Chinese person to think it was a "soup house" or a place to get a bowl of soup. See this: Japanese Bath House

This dictionary uses the EDICT and CC-CEDICT dictionary files.
EDICT data is the property of the Electronic Dictionary Research and Development Group, and is used in conformance with the Group's license.

Chinese Buddhist terms come from Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms by William Edward Soothill and Lewis Hodous. This is commonly referred to as "Soothill's'". It was first published in 1937 (and is now off copyright so we can use it here). Some of these definitions may be misleading, incomplete, or dated, but 95% of it is good information. Every professor who teaches Buddhism or Eastern Religion has a copy of this on their bookshelf. We incorporated these 16,850 entries into our dictionary database ourselves (it was lot of work).

Combined, these cover 1,007,753 Japanese, Chinese, and Buddhist characters, words, idioms, names, placenames, and short phrases.

Just because a word appears here does not mean it is appropriate for a tattoo, your business name, etc. Please consult a professional before doing anything stupid with this data.

We do offer Chinese and Japanese Tattoo Services. We'll also be happy to help you translate something for other purposes.

No warranty as to the correctness, potential vulgarity, or clarity is expressed or implied. We did not write any of these definitions (though we occasionally act as a contributor/editor to the CC-CEDICT project). You are using this dictionary for free, and you get what you pay for.

The following titles are just to help people who are searching for an Asian dictionary to find this page.

Japanese Kanji Dictionary

Free Asian Dictionary

Chinese Kanji Dictionary

Chinese Words Dictionary

Chinese Language Dictionary

Japanese Chinese Dictionary